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American Computer Company
continues its investigations:
and "TRANSISTORS" have
been used to build Computers
which Think?  Were Alien Ships
guided by "Thought Control"??

special to
written by Mark J. Pine, Oswenio J. O'Dunlap, Nick Caisson and John A.E. Cestaberlioz


50 years ago, the US Department of the Army and its budding US Air Force had a run-in with SOMETHING in the desert, something which shook the Army up so badly, that even to this day they deny it ever happened.  Personnel with "radiation burns" were redirected to the Army's Nuclear Proving Grounds in the deserts of Nevada, where they were treated for exposure to this SOMETHING.  Personnel who were so badly burned they were nearly unrecognizable, were "cremated" and their remains replaced with suitable human bones that were not radioactive, and delivered to loved ones, explained away as a "training mission crash".

The Transfer Capacitor as was suggested by documents of the era, operates differently than any prior electronic device seen by American Computer Company.  It not only appears to respond to minute electromagnetic signals, it has a variable functioning that appears to respond "interactively" among arrays of transcapacitors, as if they were capable of communicating with each other.  It is being closely studied at this time.

Thought of initially as a "storage device" that could replace hard disk drives with solid state storage, the Transcap looks more appealing as a "storage and interconnect neural network" for use with extremely massive parallel computer architectures, made very, very small.  There is reason to believe that drawings not in the possession of Bell Labs or American Computer, may describe, in detail, a machine capable of thought and response, decision making and control, using arrays of Transcap "Neural Nets" to connect thousands of microprocessors into a "thinking machine".

Accidental security leaks from the Roswell, New Mexico Air Force Base and from White Sands, led to Press getting wind of the run-in.  But were these "Accidental"?   Witnesses to what may have been a ground based encounter with SOMETHING that led to the death and irradiation of several dozen Soldiers, may have been reason enough to leak "little green men" stories and "flying saucer" details, followed by the 50 year disinformation cover up.

What happened that so badly frightened the Army, that it needed to "test the waters" and "stir the pot" of disinformation for more than 50 years?  Does the Army fear "infiltration" by the "SOMETHING" so badly, that it maintains surveillance on American Society even to this day, using various "in betweeners" who watch for anything out of the ordinary on the Internet, Radio, TV, Film, and everywhere else, investigate it and even, meddle with it?  Why is the Army and Air Force, and why IBM and AT&T/Bell Labs so sensitive to even people "believing" that a technology transfer took place?

Are "alien abductee" stories being spread to encourage any actual "abductees" to come forward, so that any effort to infiltrate our Society is stemmed at its outset? Did the Army fear actual alien abduction so much, that they have actually paid people to plant abduction stories intended to both allay public concern AND give access to any abductees for scrutiny? Did the Army suspect Alien Observers "Tagged" American's and equipped them with tiny Radio Transmitters, like human naturalists might tag a rare species?

At the time developing advanced long range communications towers and piloting systems for the X-1 and the long range ICBM's being reverse engineered from the plans for the Nazi V-10 "Manhattan Special" at White Sands and Albuquerque, Bell Laboratories held "Senior Scientific Advisor" status to the remnants of the Nuclear Bomb project (itself called "Manhattan") that had survived the end of war in the Pacific, and were working feverishly to mate small, high explosive nuclear warheads to rocket and jet powered missiles capable of advanced delivery of nuclear weaponry to a predicted confrontation with Joseph Stalin and the Red Army.  Stalin's eyes were on the weak western Europe being reconstructed by the Army Railroad and Industrial Corps, and it was thought he might invade, requiring the threat of "nuclear holocaust" over the Eastern Front to keep him in check.

It was only natural that Scientists of the revered Bell Laboratories and Bell Aerospace would become entangled in evaluation of the "SOMETHING" that casually or not so casually landed and/or crashed in the New Mexico desert...

Bell Labs scientists were called to task by the Army to help decipher markings and examine debris on the crashed vehicle and examine the one abandoned by its occupants during the ensuing "battle in the New Mexico desert".  Was it "Russian"?  Had the Russians captured flying ships built in the last days of Nazi Germany with capabilities heretofore thought impossible?  Flying machines with death rays, emitting radiation... had the Nazis simply lacked the time to build sufficient numbers?  Had Stalin impressed such machines into service that, built in sufficient number, could overrun American shores, leaving the US with no defenses?

It became imperative to Army intelligence to spread leaks and rumors, stirring the pot of International Press, all to the end of observing movements in the Stalin camp that could confirm or deny the origins of these remarkably advanced flying machines... It also became imperative that, if these were "from another Planet", to determine if the race in question were already "in league with Stalin" and helping the Soviets arm themselves.

In the meanwhile, both sets of debris and lander were enroute to Fort Worth, Texas, to be trans-shipped to advanced research centers at Langley Air Force Base, at Fort Meade, Md, and to an advanced research center maintained by Bell in central New Jersey.

Efforts to open and turn off the intact ship's electronics had already cost more than one Technician his mobility.  Energy of unknown origins emitted from the machine whenever it was handled, and special suits of metal foil had to be warn to ground technicians, or unknown paralysis could arise.  The machine appeared to possess a life of its own, responding to opening of hatches by closing them in turn.  Manipulation of control indentations resulted in the projection of "living maps" in empty space, and changes in lighting and heat produced within it.

Theorists at Bell suggested that perhaps the craft had an "electronic brain", one capable of independent thought.  It's control surfaces appeared to respond to minute electrical charges.  And, the electronic circuitry found among the debris were so advanced that even Bell's most advanced scientists had no idea what they did.

Drawings from the era are nearly extant.  During the Viet Nam war, one president's paranoia about efforts to attach him to the murder of President Kennedy by KGB who had implemented Kennedy's assassination to create global nuclear confrontation (circumvented by the CIA, working with military Intelligence and National Security coordinators, to quell the anticipated public fervor for all out nuclear bombardment of a Supreme Soviet so arrogant that murdering an American President was not beyond them), caused a widespread effort to destroy documents and hide events surrounding the matter.  Debris and the allegedly still operating Lander, having been blueprinted and disseminated to various commercial research establishments for technology transfer, were encased and vaulted.  The historical events were permanently hidden by executive order, so that no future President or Chiefs of Staff could unearth them, unless in time of "special war".

=== end of segment

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