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"ROSWELL 1947"
-- by American Computer Company

This all started out of curiosity about the Truth regarding allegations of Alien contact.

Many have come to us asking: "why would American Computer Company" be publishing information about technology commercialization dating back to 1947 on our World Wide Website, particularly "about UFOs"?  We have had over 30,000 visitors a day resulting from this publication alone, one of many on our websites.

As we have stated before: the "ROSWELL 1947" page at our Educational Publications website, is part of an INVESTIGATION by our Educational Publications group regarding allegations that have been made alleging contact between the US Air Force and a species from "another planet".  Recent claims by Lunar Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Story Musgrave, and claims made by members of the military, including retired Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, and documentary claims made by Charles Berlitz, Stanton Friedman, and others, are so compelling, that our Educational Group felt that investigation of the claims was not just justified, but paramount.  We originally started the investigation as SKEPTICS hoping to debunk the myths.  As a result of the investigation, we are no longer SKEPTICS so much as CONCERNED about MISINFORMATION and COVER-UP that has made itself very apparent to us.

As to the claims of "UFO" or "ET" contact: we have all heard such allegations, they have been made for 50 years or longer.

We at American Computer neither BELIEVE nor DIS-BELIEVE the allegations that Humanity is being or has been visited by Aliens from another world.  We, as much as everyone, want to find out what's behind the long history of allegations that Humanity has, and either PROVE or DISPROVE it.

In recent months, American Computer has discovered that through the Press and Entertainment conduits, several businesses and more than one Government Agency have been "stirring the pot", so to speak, regarding any investigation of these allegations.  That "pot stirring" in and of itself has been so exacting and well coordinated, that in its having approached American Computer, it very precisely has been (a) slandering or attempting to intimidate ACC (such took place on the pen of Dan McNally and Santo LoDestri, investigators for the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations, on the pen of several Video Production personnel employed by UPN in connection with an alleged "alien abductions" film, and from the telephones of George Moffit, Bell Labs webmaster, and his superior, Henry Schacht, Chairman of Lucent Technologies) and (b) interfering with our staff and their families (rumors designed to frighten spouses and friends, even customers, of ACC personnel, which were spread by the same parties at Lucent and by employees of IBM Corporation and by at least three Department of Defense Personnel.  More than one spouse has left her ACC employee in recent weeks, indicating contact with either an IBM agent or an AT&T agent).  Antagonists have asked us: "How do your customers like it?", or have called and said to our staff and customers: "How could you work for (buy from) a company like that", all in an effort to EXTORT us into closing the investigation.

It strikes us as EXTREMELY ODD that a company as small and unthreatening to both IBM and Lucent (and for that matter, the US Air Force), as is ACC, would become an ongoing TARGET of harassment on account of our having opened this investigation.  The propaganda machinery available to both companies is extremely prodigious.  It is also interesting to us, that the Air Force sought to MINIMIZE the impact of our having released basic information about a military fax that arrived at our offices shortly after we opened the investigation, after our offices were broken into and burglarized.  These two fairly obvious observations raise a multitude of questions.

Most paramount are the allegations of IMPROPER COMMERCIALIZATION by Bell Labs and other businesses, of things given them by the Department of Defense, later misrepresented as the products of lengthy internal Labs research programs.  This would represent an enormous misappropriation of Taxpayer money, in addition to being just plain bad sense on the part of the DoD.

Having sat in the pilot's seat on this investigation for SIX MONTHS, this is the unfortunate conclusion we are now left with:  THESE EVENTS, AT LEAST REGARDING COMMERCIALIZATION WITHOUT DISCLOSURE OF THE ORIGINS OF TRANSISTOR AND OTHER TECHNOLOGY, APPEAR TO HAVE TAKEN PLACE: IT APPEARS THAT BELL LABS WAS GIVEN "SOMETHING" BY THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT AND DID COMMERCIALIZE PARTS OF IT, and THAT IBM RESEARCH MAY ALSO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS, in 1947 and after.  The Transfers resulted in advanced electronic components and products being subsequently produced and/or patented by both research organizations, as a result of in depth research on both company's part into the laws of the natural universe that related to what they were given by the DoD, and into electron physics.  Both companies appear to have received what can only be described as a WINDFALL OF SUCH UNBELIEVABLE PROPORTION that it is hard to calculate the financial value that they derived, nor the full impact such has had on Humanity and worldwide technology.


They could have been obtained from Nazi Germany by American Soldiers who unearthed them from Jewish Slave Labor Death Camps forcibly employing displaced Jewish scientists, or from Japan's captured research facilities, or from an object that fell from Space, like a captured Plains of San Augustin UFO, WE DON'T KNOW, yet.

To the heads of IBM and AT&T and LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES (as in 1947, elements of Lucent and AT&T were both part of the same Bell System...), we issue the following statement:


(c) Copyright 1998  American Computer Company.  All Rights Reserved.

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