In the career capped by the challenges of engaging in research into UFOs and the Star Visitors, it is all too often that the brick-bats and debunkers are the order of the day, and too seldom that honorable recognition from the "regular world" comes to a researcher.

It is therefore with pleasure that I share with you the news that I have been included in the 20th Edition (2003, published 12/02) of Who's Who In the World, the principal biolographical reference.

The reference even includes a mention of my "avocation of UFO/ET research"! I knew of this honor for several months, but waited until this Edition was published and sent out before making my announcement.

It is therefore too late for the minions of the UFO Cover-Up to compel the publisher to withhold my entry. Forgive this moment of immodesty. I shall "return to business" forthwith. :-)

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.