Video – Frederic, Wisconsin Brilliant Strobing Object

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2005-09-14 21:02:56

Quite an Interesting Video clip.… Frederic, Wisconsin Brilliant Strobing Object Posted: September 5, 2005 Date: September 3, 2005 Time: Approx: 5:50 a.m. It was approx: 5:50 something a.m. on the 3rd of this month. It was at about 45 or 50 degrees.I videoed for about 8 min. The thing was in the E.S.E. The clip you have there is what about a minute something? The object moves that far in that time. It was strobing like that the whole time. We have the same kind of lights going by here in the valley all night long practically every night. Never at the same times. I have watched to see if they would repeat night after night at approx: the same times and they do not. Use the tree branch in the shot for point of reference.Camera stationary on tripod and located on our deck.It moves along pretty good Footage and photos are © S.R.L. 2005 Thank you to the people for sending in the material. Video clip Frederic, Wisconsin A Strange Object.…  

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