From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2005-11-03 18:21:58
This interview was done by a friend of mine…… Why This Years Flu Season Is For The Birds by Gina Snow, Host of Epicurean Exchange Join Gina Snow for the latest tips on international food, wine, travel, health, nutrition and lifestyles. Learn how to appreciate the simple pleasures in life to the simply delicious. Epicurean Exchange keeps you informed on how to “Enjoy Your Slice of Life.” Just in time for this years flu season, learn why the Avian Bird Flu scare is just that. Gina Snow talks with Dr. Leonard Horowitz about the hype behind the fear of an Avian Bird Flu pandemic, who stands to gain from it and how to protect yourself naturally from contracting this and most any virus. Although transmission of the virus from birds to humans is extremely rare, scientists and the media are heightening the fear that the H5N1 strain could mutate into a form that is readily spread among humans. Most renowned for his stirring bestseller, “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola– Nature, Accident or Intentional?,” Dr. Horowitz reveals the down side to much touted vaccinations and antiviral drugs such as Tamilflu deemed to be the first line of defense against the Avian Bird Flu. He also discusses the facts about the politics and propaganda surrounding the “Gulf War Syndrome,” an infectious disease related to biological warfare. His most recent work details how your body, when given the five necessary conditions for securing optimal health — detoxification, deacidification, boosting natural immunity, oxygenation, and biolectrics, — can produce its own most effective defense against emerging diseases and even bioterrorism weapons. About Dr. Leonard Horowitz: Dr. Horowitz received his doctorate from Tufts University in 1977, and was then awarded a fellowship in behavioral research at the University of Rochester. He later earned two master’s degree, one in public health from Harvard University, and the other in health education from Beacon College. For more than a decade, Dr. Horowitz directed a multidisciplinary health center and he has served on the faculties of Tufts University, Harvard University, and the Leslie College’s Institute for the Arts and Human Development. For more information, go to www.healingcelebrati… Gina Snow – Radio Host:Ms. Snow has traveled extensively throughout Asia, the Pacific, North America and Europe exploring cultures and cuisines, and has interviewed noted chefs, authors, connoisseurs and experts in the fields of tourism, health and nutrition.epicureanr… Articles