From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2005-12-26 12:40:00
Attachments : Ice Circle – Sudbury, Ontario #ygrps-yiv-1610047660 BLOCKQUOTE { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-1610047660 DL { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-1610047660 UL { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-1610047660 OL { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-1610047660 LI { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} CCCRN NEWS E-News from the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network December 19, 2005 _____________________________ ICE CIRCLE – SUDBURY, ONTARIO While only five known crop circle reports were received by CCCRN this past summer / fall, another “ice circle” was found on December 9, near Sudbury, Ontario, in snow- covered creek ice. Approximately 12-18 metres (40-60 feet) diameter, with a 2.5-5 centimetre (1-2 inch) deep ‘V’-shaped groove in the ice defining the circle’s perimeter. There is another possible groove a few inches inside of the outer groove. Larger photos here:………… The circle is in a bend of the creek, so it is possible this is a type of ice ring that has formed from a swirling eddy, as is believed to be the cause of most such formations (with more diffuse edges), yet the sharp, incised edge is more difficult to explain, and is similar to the ice circle at Delta, Ontario in 2000 in this regard. A strong, unpleasant smell had also been reported a few weeks previously in the area. Thanks to David Chevrier, Brian Vike, Nancy Talbott, Jeff Wilson and Andreas Muller for their assistance and input. The location is fairly remote and as of yet, CCCRN Ontario hasn’t been able to go to the site yet, but other efforts are still being made. Also, the CCCRN web site is currently under re-construction and moved to a new server, so the files are being revamped and transferred at the same time as time allows. The web site should be back up by early January (tentatively January 1). Thank you for your patience! Please note also that the default setting for CCCRN News is now html / styled text & graphics, so for optimum viewing, please have your e-mail client configured to be able to view html format mail. The file sizes for CCCRN News updates will be kept to a minimum, including any imbedded graphics. _____________________________ CCCRN News is the e-news service of the Canadian CropCircle Research Network, providing e-mail updates with thelatest news and reports on the crop circle phenomenon inCanada, as well as other information on CCCRN-related projects and events, sent free to your e-mail. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send an e-mail with either Subscribe CCCRN News or Unsubscribe CCCRN News in the subject line to: © CCCRN, 2005