From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-01-12 10:35:25
www.coasttocoastam.c… On January 2nd, 2006 we experienced a hailstorm the likes of which I have never seen in a lifetime of living in the South-eastern U.S. I’ve yet to meet any locals of any age who have seen hailstones this size in Georgia. They did extensive damage to our automobiles and home. The white roof seen in one of the shots is 12 gauge aluminum and these stones actually penetrated in half a dozen locations. The same is true of several spots on our gutters and roof shingles. Above all that, this occurred in January…Very unusual.By the way, a tornado touched down about 5 miles from our home during this hailstorm. Extensive damage but no injuries. The weather has been unusually warm as we’ve had multiple days in the high 60s and low 70s this January. It was 64* the day of the hailstorm. –Gregory Fox…