From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-02-07 08:12:02
Attachments : The language here is not how I would choose to describe things, but as a reason for the media circus, it explains things quite well I also received this from a contact – and it seems to check out. Shame that there a no investigative journalists reporting these links in the media (or exploring more thoroughly the reasons for publication of inflammatory material rather than taking stuff at face value) MERETE ELDRUP, managing director of company that published the anti-Islamic cartoons in Denmark (JP/Politikens Hus) is married to ANDERS ELDRUP, who has attended the last FIVE Bilderberg meetings. She is a former Head of Secretariat at the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs and Deputy Director of the Danish Energy Authority. She must be a useful contact for her husband. He is chairman of DONG, the big State-owned energy company (‘Danish Oil and Natural Gas’), which will soon be privatised:… Interestingly, a previous editor-in-chief of ‘Politiken’, another of JP/Politikens Hus’s newspapers, namely Toger Seidenfaden, was also a long-time Bilderberger.…… Muslim Riots Aid Neo-Con Global Agenda“Clash of Civilizations” Advanced by Naive and Controlled Groups Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison