Bob Pratt’s UFO Files

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2006-03-07 10:22:01

This is from my friend Grant Cameron. Bob Pratt did many UFO stories for the National Enquirer in the states. This was “safe” place for the reports to go, as it was generally a “gossip” magazine (  An interesting interview of Major Keyhoe by Bob Pratt concerning Jimmy Carter’s UFO role.  Keyhoe is very accurate about the CIA telling NASA to turn down Carter’s directive to look into UFOs. (This is years before the documents became available) Perhaps Keyhoe is accurate about the other related claims of people dying etc.  from:  [April 14, 1978 phone interview]   CARTER’S PLEDGE TO RELEASE UFO FILES   PRATT: I understand you’re speaking at the MUFON Symposium this summer.   KEYHOE: Yes, I have actually been trying to work out a series of lectures or syndicated articles giving the whole inside story on some things I have not mentioned publicly because I knew the ordeal that they were going through at (Air Force) headquarters and so forth, with CIA and pressure and all. And I didn’t see how it would do anything more than add to their trouble. But now, what happened after that (movie) Close Encounters of the Third Kind, (President) Carter just got swamped with letters demanding that he keep his promise. And he tried to get rid of it and the Air Force stalled and simply said they couldn’t discuss it right now but they had to have a special group of experts talk with him and the CIA. Well, he jumped to NASA, and the CIA immediately told NASA to reject it, which they did. And so finally Carter seems to have been convinced that he better just lay off for a while. But there’s a lot of Air Force headquarters people think that he might just go ahead and order everything released, and if he does, that would include the Above Top Secret cases. (They) are the ones that scare the hell out of quite a number of people. They’re only a relatively small number and the percentage is about less than one percent of the total reports. But some of them in there are disastrous, airplane crashes, mostly pilots pursuing these things and trying to force them down and things like that. But at any rate it would be bad. Some newspapers and TV people would concentrate on that. Well, I figured a way to get around it and I talked it over with my Pentagon sources and they said it’s a helluva good plan, and if you had only been able to get it in here earlier, it might have worked, but the situation now is such that we don’t think the Secretary (of the Air Force) would consider it. So, I’m going to take everything I got and either try to frame it into lectures or else I’ll go ahead with syndication . . .  

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