From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-03-23 17:24:32
Subject: Save Parliament Bulletin, 23 March Hi everyone, First of all, we’d like to say thank you for signing up, and welcome to the Save Parliament campaign! This is the first email bulletin we’ve sent out. We’ll be sending more as things happen, so you can expect to be contacted on a fairly regular basis in the coming weeks. The third reading of the Bill (the last vote in the Commons) will be sometime after Easter; it’s not been decided exactly when, but it looks like we’ve only got a few weeks at the most before the Commons vote themselves out of existence. Representations to the Cabinet Office ————————————-… On Tuesday, in the House of Commons, Jim Murphy said that he’d only had 50 representations made to him about the Bill, with no mention of whether they were for or against it. www.theyworkforyou.c… 50 doesn’t seem very many to us, considering the widespread opposition to the Bill. Many more people have written to their MPs about the Bill through the Save Parliament website, and we have had LOTS more than 50 people sign up for the campaign in just three days. So, we reckon it’s time to show Jim Murphy the true scale of the opposition to his plans. We’d like to ask you to contact the Cabinet Office and voice your concerns. Keep it polite; abusive emails or letters will only hurt our cause. Mr. Murphy’s address is: Jim Murphy MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Cabinet Office 70 Whitehall London SW1A 2AS Spy Blog says that his cabinet office email address should be: jim.murphy@cabinet-o… Alternatively, you could send your emails to his standard MP address, which is: jimmurphymp@parliame… There are many more contact details on his website at:… There are also general contact details for the Cabinet Office at: www.cabinetoffice.go… Media contacts ————– We’re trying to raise the profile of this Bill in the media; if you could help us with this in any way, please let us know. Alternatively, if you know anyone who could help, please send them the website details and ask them to contact us if they are interested. Raising awareness —————– We will only beat this Bill by raising public awareness, so we’d also like to ask you all to keep sending the website to your friends, family, colleagues, in fact anyone and everyone. The more people that know about the Bill, the better chance we have of stopping it. Latest Links ———— The LRRB made the front page of Slashdot this morning: politics.slashdot.or… Also, the BBC Radio 4 programme “Law in Action” had a piece on Tuesday afternoon (it starts around 20 minutes in):… Murky (from has set up a LRRB-related blog aggregator on Squidoo, which will show you the latest news from across the anti-LRRB blogging community:… Again, thanks for joining up, and keep up the good work! We’re getting the word out, and we WILL beat this thing. cheers, James Smith Director, Save Parliament www.saveparliament.o… —- This email was sent to you because you signed up on our website; to unsubscribe, email unsubscribe@saveparl… — No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.2.6/288 – Release Date: 22/03/2006 — No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.2.6/288 – Release Date: 22/03/2006