Re: Gary McKinnon Interview

From: clive.denton

Date: 2006-07-13 16:03:17

Hi David, For up to date info on Gary, the real facts, it is best to visit the website wh… he has a little thank you message for toughs of us who have supported him through this.   In regards to the Extradition order, I hear the latest is that the US request to extradite him has been granted by the UK Home Secretary John Reid. He has only 14 days to appeal. See: BBC News   I feel that if the US start keeping to their side of this New Extradition treaty with us then the UK will be forced to hand him and others over everytime the US request it. It seems our law lords will be allowing extraditions to the US, just follow the ‘NatWest Three’ case.   If he is extradited then no one will ever see him again.   Clive     David wrote: You say ‘being extradited’ but I thought this had been stopped ordelayed. I can’t find anything new – can you post a link here or mailme please.Gary is obviously being used as a PR stooge to hide the embarrassmentof the military industrial complex and to warn of other would bejunior hackers. Ironicallt enough, GM claimed that he saw ‘numerous IPaddresses’ of those who were looking at US military sites – manyoriginating from China. Guess Gary is the easiest and best stooge forthe job.davIDOn 7/13/06, clive.denton wrote:>> Gary McKinnon is being extradited to the US from England for hacking into US military computers. What he found there is very interesting.>www.spy. 2005/07/gary_ mckinnon_ interviewed_ by_j.html# more avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean. Virus Database (VPS): 0628-4, 13/07/2006Tested on: 7/13/2006 15:44:04avast! – copyright (c) 2000-2006 ALWIL Software.

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