From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-11-08 17:26:28
Attachments : Pentagon 9/11 Video Being Held Back by FBI
Government says it needs “more time” before releasing a video that shows nothing Steve WatsonInfowars.netTuesday, November 7, 2006 The FBI has further delayed the release of a video that many bloggers have speculated may show the impact of flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11th 2001. Following last week’s article detailing the imminent release of the Doubletree hotel video, a reader has informed us that after calling Judicial Watch and asking when the video would be made public, he was told: ‘The Government said they needed more time’. When asked when enough time would pass before they could release the tape, they said they didn’t know and it was indefinite.. . Judicial Watch had previously announced that the video would be released before November the ninth and even speculated that it may be used as a political tool in order to sway mid-term election votes. Ongoing FOIA requests and subsequent lawsuits should now have forced all known video tapes of the Pentagon attack out into the open. It seems that abiding by judicial law is something that the FBI refuses to be a part of however. Judicial Watch Director of Investigations & Research and former military intelligence officer Chris Farrell, previously appearing on the Alex Jones show, agreed that the DoD only released the original Pentagon parking lot tape back in May 2006 because they wanted to for their own reasons. We have witnessed numerous times over the government claim national security in refusing to release evidence and they could have done the same in this instance yet they deliberately chose to relent and release the new tapes. Why does the government need more time to release a video that is admitted by the FBI, under penalty of perjury, to show absolutely nothing? What are they cooking up? If they are not cooking anything up why are they flouting the law by refusing to release this and the other 83 tapes? We have previously documented our concerns that the Pentagon issue may be used as a honey pot trap to bait 9/11 truthers into a distracting debate over what hit the building, deflecting attention away from the fact that whatever it was was allowed through the air defenses and performed incredible high speed military style maneuvers that even crack fighter pilots would find near impossible. We can nip this baited trap in the bud by once again demanding the release of all videos they admit they have in their possession. We can then re-focus on demanding plausible explanations as to how the air defenses were bypassed at every stage and as to what brought the buildings down, including a 47 story building that was not attacked. ACTION: Email and call Judicial Watch and demand they follow up on their promise to get the Doubletree and the other 83 videos released as per their ongoing lawsuit. .