From: Clive Denton
Date: 2007-03-07 08:29:17
WAKE-UP CALL By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.March 6,… Source:… The “Hereinafter” part at the end of Kristin Breitweiser’s new book, WAKE-UP CALL, reads like a beautiful poem to her deceased husband who was killed on 9/11. One can sense the deep love they had for each other. The primary thesis of this excellent book, though, is exemplified by a key element for which she was searching in the 9/11 Commission report. She found it in “Footnote 44,” but more on that in a moment. There is information found in this book which the press has not publicized. For example, she recounts a visit to Henry Kissinger shortly after he was named to head the 9/11 Commission. She and the rest of her “motley group of 9/11 victims” cross-examined Kissinger about his clients. When they asked if any were of the bin Laden family, he became “unsteady,” spilled his cup of coffee, and “nearly fell off the couch.” He resigned the next day. Breitweiser focuses at one point on a 9/11 Commission staff statement which said “we see this as an intelligence story.” She has good reason to emphasize this because curiously in Middle East CIA agent Robert Baer’s SEE NO EVIL (2002), he wrote: “The other day a reporter friend told me that one of the highest-ranking CIA officials had said to him, off the record, that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure.” Immediately after referring to the staff statement, Breitweiser focuses on Footnote 44 of the Commission report, which “proved that the CIA deliberately withheld information from the FBI about two of the terrorists who would go on to become 9/11 hijackers.” The footnote indicates a CIA desk officer instructed an FBI agent not to send a cable with information about Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi to his colleagues at FBI headquarters. She doesn’t believe, however, that the FBI is completely clean relevant to 9/11. While she found that “the FBI field agents work very hard to keep us safe,” she also says FBI director Robert Mueller is “one of the best liars I have ever met.” The brunt of her criticism, though, is directed at the CIA, and she stresses that “according to THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT, Tenet seems to be lying” when he said the CIA “lost track” of al Mihdhar and al Hazmi in the “streets of Bangkok” on January 8, 2000. To support this contention, she refers to January 12, 14 and February 2000 CIA documents indicating surveillance of the two continued. The author then asks, “What did the CIA know about al Qaeda’s presence in the United States?” And she answers, “George Tenet is the man who knows.” What she may not understand is how Tenet got to be CIA director. Rhodes scholar President Bill Clinton appointed him to that position with the support of fellow Rhodes scholar Senator David Boren. Then when Skull & Bones member George W. Bush became President, Boren put on his own Skull & Bones hat recommending that Tenet be kept as CIA director. Senator Boren was from Oklahoma where the Murrah federal office building was bombed by Timothy McVeigh. On October 20, 1993, McVeigh wrote to his sister Jennifer that he had been selected by Special Forces for covert government operations. Could the Oklahoma bombing have been a government sting operation gone bad? Breitweiser believes the American government was already watching al Qaeda in the U.S., as she states: “I think the CIA was conducting surveillance on al Qaeda in this country with the goal of disrupting operations here.” That the American government may have been watching Mohamed Atta in the U.S. prior to 9/11 is supported in the German intelligence magazine FOCUS (September 24, 2001), which was told by someone from the German intelligence service: “We can no longer exclude the possibility that the Americans wanted to keep an eye on Atta after his entry in the USA.” This was after the U.S. Embassy in Berlin gave Atta a visa on May 18, 2000, even though he had been under surveillance by the CIA in Germany since January 2000. During Breitweiser’s Congressional testimony on September 18, 2002, she posed an interesting question: “How would the FBI know the details of a phone conversation that occurred a week prior to the attacks? Were any of the hijackers already under surveillance?” In her book, the author relates that at a June 11, 2001 meeting, New York FBI agents repeatedly asked a CIA analyst about photos of al Mihdhar, al Hazmi, and another hijacker, but the CIA analyst refused to answer. Who ordered the CIA to keep the FBI in the dark? And why did President Bush immediately after 9/11 go to CIA headquarters and congratulate them on what a fine job he thought they were doing? Also if you’re wondering whatever happened to the CIA analyst who refused to answer FBI questions, the new CIA director Porter Goss (a member of Yale University’s secret Psi Upsilon fraternity, as well as its Book & Snake society) stated on October 5, 2005: “I will not convene an accountability board to judge the performances of any individual CIA officers” concerning the failures that allowed the attacks of 9/11. Supporting her contention that the American government was tracking al Mihdhar in the U.S., she notes that on September 4, 2001, “specific instructions were given to stop al Mihdhar and detain him for questioning….Oddly, the very next day (September 5), the order to withhold al Mihdhar was reversed. According to the 9/11 Commission’s final report, on September 5 the State Department put out a new directive regarding al Mihdhar: to let him go. Specifically, the entry reads that al Mihdhar was a potential witness in an FBI investigation and not to detain him.” In her book, Breitweiser also has some rather pointed things to say about other specific individuals. Regarding 9/11 Commission executive staff director Philip Zelikow, she claims: “Zelikow did his job when it came to covering up 9/11 failures. Zelikow was rewarded handsomely for his service. He is now counsel for Secretary of State Rice. How’s that for payback?” Relevant to the Democrats, she opines: “I feel that John Kerry squandered the efforts of thousands of people who gave their all to try to get him in the White House.” I wonder if she knows that John Kerry is also a member of Yale University’s secret Skull & Bones society, just as is President Bush. And does their secret oath oblige them to help fellow Bonesmen? Finally, toward the end of her book, Breitweiser refers to border, port, and other security concerns not being fixed. One would think if there is a real war on terror, President Bush and Congress would not leave our southern border almost like a sieve for illegal aliens to cross practically at will, and they would have far more than about 5% of cargo ships entering our ports searched. That they haven’t done this almost 6 years after 9/11 should tell us something. Think about it! © 2007 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved Re-distributed by Clive Denton under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues.