From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-30 22:50:21 In re-visiting a collection of images of Mars Anomalies and making those 2 videos I posted to YouTube, I found this super analysis……

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-30 22:50:21 In re-visiting a collection of images of Mars Anomalies and making those 2 videos I posted to YouTube, I found this super analysis……
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-30 16:38:37 Mars Anomalies – Part 1… Part 2… Andrew
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-29 23:53:27 I think this is a good commentary… posted at 911insidejobbers yahoo group — In 911InsideJobbers@yah…, “Lynn Ertell” wrote: QED.… What I’m trying to say here is… Yes. The Media Brainwash (fake TV planes and an electronically pumped narrative) is definitely…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-29 23:32:56 Based on some Witness Testimony and includes a list of NIST contractors with “vested interests”….…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-28 22:57:44… Andrew
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-28 22:36:15… Contrails or chemtrails and freak weather Tenerife has recently again been hit by terrible weather, which has been explained as a symptom of climate change, but what everyone seems to have missed out on is that chemtrails were in the…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-28 08:45:48 Lip Reading Surveillance Cameras To Stop TerrorShouting, face scanning, eavesdropping, X-Ray firing and now lip reading CCTV, do you still feel free?Steve Watson Friday, April 27, 2007 “Read my lips….” used to be a figurative saying. Now the…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-27 19:33:13… Sick And Tired Of Being Lectured By Global Warming HypocritesPrivate jet flying, CO2 belching, bags made by slaves in China transported thousands of miles buying, bulb banning, Al Gore worshipping morons wagging their finger at me when I…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-27 15:40:44… Were the media given a script to read? Was there some fakery involved in the broadcasting? Watch the above and decide.
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-04-27 11:04:31… Were the media given a script to read? Was there some fakery involved in the broadcasting? Watch the above and decide.