From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-04-21 18:37:55
An elaborate hoax? This is one of the strangest things I have seen…. SIX DIFFERENT PHENOMENON SHOW SAME SYMBOLVisit this website for more: PHENOMENON I Click for news clip On February 14th 2002, a truly remarkable thing happened. I received an email from a buddy of mine, Giles, from Portadown, a small town in Northern Ireland. Giles is a long time bird-watching pal of mine. I’ve long been an avid birdwatcher- it’s what I love to do when I,m not tied up with my research on crop circles and extra terrestrial life. Ever since I was a child, I’d close my eyes and run through cornfields wishing I could fly all the way to space and make new friends… So perhaps it was no coincidence that my discovery of this wonderful MESSAGE was through a flock of these graceful creatures. That day, Giles had caught sight of a flock of birds flying in a rather strange formation, unlike anything he’d seen before in his 20 years of bird-watching experience. Although he was in shock he managed to take a few digital photos of what he saw and emailed them to me that afternoon. The moment I saw the totally uncharacteristic, circular and symmetrical flight formation on the photo, I was stunned like I was struck by lightning. Not only because the birds weren’t supposed to migrate for another few months, but also because a vivid image sprung into my head- the formation’s circular, symmetrical form was eerily reminiscent of the crop circles I had been admiring earlier that day! PHENOMENON II Click for news clip 2 years on, I was still busy making progress on my theories on crop circles. But the image of the strange symbol of the birds flying haunted me. It was almost like a nagging presence- I would see it now and again when I close my eyes. And then,”Strike 2″ took place in August, 2004. Again this joyous news was delivered to me through the Internet. Crop Circles Daily is a (now defunct, for political reasons I’m not at liberty to divulge on this site) online journal dedicated to the study, research and education on crop circles. As a subscriber, member and guest contributor to CCD, I was always the first to receive updates on any new sightings and findings, before it’s released to the other members, in case I have comments to add on- as one of the leading experts on the subject matter, I was like a VIP member of the CCD Club. Anyway, I checked my email and there was a flashing message in my Inbox from the CCD. Already excited by news from my favourite club, when I opened the image attachment, my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw the exact same pattern that’s been etched in my mind ever since the flock formation of 2002, as a beautiful, perfectly formed crop circle- just as I’d imagined it! And oddly enough, it was in Waipahu, Hawaii, a highly unusual location for a crop circle to appear. This sent shock waves through the CCD community. It was downright impossible to ignore the huge significance of the circle’s location. In fact, it’s so unexpected and out of the ordinary, it is almost as though someone (or something) was trying to make certain to turn heads and capture our full attention… I immediately shared this news with my fellow members at CCD, and so began my intense research and documentation phase of this glorious exchange, as it continues to this day… PHENOMENON III Click for news clip Only a few months had passed between the second and third sighting of the Symbol (as we now call it, with a capital “S”), but by then, through the CCD journal and its affiliated websites, the number of followers of this phenomenon was approaching 600,000, and remain rapidly growing. And then, Strike 3…and this one surprised us all even more than the previous strikes. On November 14, 2004, the bishop of a church in Kyoto, Japan (who knew they had churches in Japan, let alone Japanese bishops??) experienced a sudden, but intense case of stigmata. Real movie stuff, I thought at the time, until I saw what appeared on Bishop Yoshimoto’s wrist… As a symbologist, this was brought to my attention as, right after the”episode”, an undecipherable, yet clearly visible SYMBOL appeared on his left wrist. And there it was, THE Symbol, on Yoshimoto’s wrist, as seen on the widely circulated image photographed with his camera phone. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the photo. There was absolutely no way in any dimension currently known to man that this could have occurred. Bishop Yoshimoto was rushed to the Theological Science hospital in Doshisha University, where he’s still in intensive care today. According to lab reports on the mysterious “scar” (as they chose to call it), seemed to have “appeared from nowhere”. It disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared, left no traces of skin pigment, and nothing inside the bishop’s body was out of the ordinary. The only conclusion to be drawn is that it was introduced by a foreign entity. In other words, it was DELIVERED to the bishop- it was a SIGN! PHENOMENON IV Click for news clip The heat over Bishop Yoshimoto’s episode had barely subsided when the next Strike took place. Reading the Sunday papers on a late January morning (January 27th, 2005, to be precise), I flipped over to the Science section and literally froze. There it was, staring back at me, the exact same formation of the flock of flying birds from 2002, the Waipahu crop circle of 2004, the mark that suddenly appeared on Bishop Yoshimoto’s wrist… but this time in the form of FRECKLES on a girl’s bare back. And it’s not just the one girl- FIVE people had the exact same pattern of freckles, mostly on the upper body. This caused an instant buzz and reached the headlines as it was puzzling even the finest dermatologists and skin cancer research teams across the globe. All five people lived in totally different countries, shared no common genetic or biological condition. What’s more, one man hit by the freckles lived in Reykjavik, Iceland, and hadn’t been exposed to any sunlight for years! And now, more than one year later, the world’s leading labs for cancer research are still working on this case, and so far they’ve found nothing. There is no scientific or biological explanation for the synchronized appearance of the exact same freckle pattern on (at least) five individuals across the world. Coincidence? Impossible. Something was happening, SOMETHING IS REACHING OUT TO US! PHENOMENON V Click for news clip Six months passed by as believers across the world held their breath, waiting for the next Strike. And, lo and behold, on August 8, 2005, the Symbol was captured on satellite camera by the Arlington Weather Observatory in Jacksonville, Florida. It was absolutely extraordinary. According to in-house meteorologist Jean Huntington, PhD, the Symbol’s formation was utterly astounding, never seen before, and not even remotely reminiscent of any of the weather patterns ever recorded. And the formation remained static for almost 3 minutes, as though frozen in time, while the surrounding cloud swirled around as usual. That was the real jaw-dropper, which then spurred Huntington to pass on the image to symbology experts in the hope to better understand this seemingly supernatural sign. PHENOMENON VI Click for news clip One short month later, on September 23rd of last year, the Symbol reappears for the whole world to see- this time simultaneously, in all five continents, as clearly visible cloud formations in the skyline. What’s interesting here is, all five sightings occurred in highly populated areas, unlike the first sighting in the generally isolated, open plains of Northern Ireland. We’re talking, Sydney, Australia; Mexico City, Mexico; Accra, Ghana; Sussex, UK; and Jakarta, Indonesia. The urgency in which the Symbol is delivered has picked up pace and more than ever, it’s demanding the world’s attention; IT DEMANDS TO BE HEARD. However, like crop circles, the government (and military) will continue to cover up their research on these sightings, fearing widespread panic in the public. How can they deny this information? We all know there are army bases strewn across Wiltshire, UK, where the highest density of crop circles have appeared since the 70s. And yet, we never read about it in the papers, and officials continue to laugh or shrug off any questions posed to them about crop circles and related “supernatural” occurrences that they clearly have an invested interest in. With the cloud formations, as with Bishop Yoshimoto’s incident, and the others signs detailed on this site, so far the distribution of this information is mainly limited to “alternative” online journals. Aside from the freckle patterns of 2005, NONE of the other incidents detailed on this site managed to reach the headlines. Journalists who don’t know any better seem to scoff at these supposedly “supernatural” occurrences, without delving into the root of the issue, favouring feeding propaganda and rubbish politics to the public like some soap opera. Thankfully, TRUTH is on our side, and now, for the first time in years, the world cannot ignore the life-changing EXCHANGE we are all about to experience. With over 7 million members signed onto my site, the media is finally taking notice and opening their minds. Source: — FranK Ða Silva :: HÿÞêr§ÞΛcΞ ΞxÞlorêrDMT-Labs: www.cybernest.infoPA…: