From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-31 10:21:27… Transcript linked from here:…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-31 10:21:27… Transcript linked from here:…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-30 19:48:31 The Cosmic Trigger – Exopolitics UK Talk to Alfred Lambremont Webre Alfred Webre will have people knocking furiously at his door when planetary shifts become more obvious and the collective consciousness needs a degree of guidance. He piles his vast…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-30 09:49:30 From David Saunders Here are a few links to google and youtube videos featuring proof-of- concept space energy devices — from perpetuum mobiles to generators. Anyone can fake a video — except some of these are so badly made you would…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-29 20:39:35 Insurers Agree to Pay Billions at Ground ZeroBy CHARLES V. BAGLIThe agreement ends a long legal battle and ensures that$4.55 billion will be available for rebuilding the WorldTrade Center site.… May 24, 2007 Insurers Agree to Pay Billions at…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-29 15:04:29 Attachments : Architects and Engineers launch 9/11 website This would be good, were it not for the emphasis on SE Jones and the Molten Metal Mantra, which I have just discovered an additional reason to suspect: “Fool me…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-29 14:51:20… A Hole in Mars Credit: NASA, JPL, U. Arizona Explanation: Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-28 19:37:02 www.checktheevidence… killtown.911review.o…… Andrew
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-28 19:34:50 www.checktheevidence… This seems to be more evidence of DEW / Exotic Weaponry used to destroy WTC 1 & 2 towers. See these pages: janedoe0911.tripod.c… janedoe0911.tripod.c… janedoe0911.tripod.c… janedoe0911.tripod.c…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-27 21:56:09 Audio: www.checktheevidence… or top link here: www.checktheevidence… Share link by e-mail, but please do not post to forums/websites etc (Premier radio asked me not to post broadcasts on my website, but it’s too important not to…. dilemma!). More…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-05-27 09:22:00…