From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-05-07 22:25:15…. The current UK Chancellor of the Exchequer looks likely to follow Tony Blair into power. Exopolitics UK have highlighted three recent events that easily demonstrate to even the most hard-headed among us that we have to begin taking this field seriously within our formal cultural structures. This letter to Gordon Brown MP will be dispatched by formal methods and additionally he will be presented with it in person thanks to some examination of his official parliamentary diary. If you are UK based and can help in this type of lobbying and perhaps more ‘unconventional’ PR tactics please get in touch. Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP The Chancellor of the Exchequer 11 Downing Street London SW1A 2AB 6th May 2007 Dear Mr Brown, It seems you will soon be taking the position of our nation’s Prime Minister and as you begin this role I would ask you to consider the brief points made below. Exopolitics is an expanding global field which is developing systems to pro-actively educate people regarding how best to interface with off-planet intelligences and civilisations. Three recent developments will provide a sense of how important these issues are: The Ministry of Defence recently announced plans to open its files on UFO activity to the public for the first time. The move follows the decision by the French National Space Agency to release its UFO files in March, the first official body in the world to do so. UK researcher Gary McKinnon is facing extradition to the USA on the wrongful charge of hacking computer networks when in fact his goal was actually to discover the truth about free energy systems and the UFO cover-up. Gary was primarily driven by the fact that these energy systems exist and “we have the elderly dying each winter as they cannot afford fuel bills”. Dr Steven Greer led the 2001 Washington Disclosure Project Press Club* event. He continues to plan a safe, escorted landing with extra-terrestrial intelligences in conjunction with an [undisclosed] G7 nation. Dr Greer has, for over a decade, trained groups of people on protocols for direct liaison with off-planet cultures with significant success. In addition to the many civilian and military witnesses we have also had the former Canadian Defence minister, Paul Hellyer,** add his full support for the exopolitical field. I would be more than happy to connect you with researchers and activists who can brief you or your representatives on the above issues and the many other issues of an exopolitical nature. We need structures in place now to start the work we should have begun many years ago or we, as a culture, will not be prepared for what is inevitably to follow in the next few years. The questions to be addressed are these: What are the consequences of blindly continuing to stumble along ignoring the fact that we have advanced intelligences attempting communication with our planet? What happens economically and socially to us as a species when contact with these entities becomes obvious to even those of us with the most ostrich-like tendencies? We are at a crucial point in human history right at this moment. We have a choice to openly explore issues of galactic diplomacy in a mature, pro-active fashion or face an inevitable situation of collective shock and turmoil. As you take on a mantle of great responsibility – you have some ability to influence this situation for the good and I hope you will take the opportunity to do just that. Yours Sincerely, David Griffin, MSc Founder: Exopolitics United Kingdom – * This event was the most viewed Press Club event ever recorded. Testimony from many government/official witnesses was provided. The video is available here:…218 and via disclosureproject.or… ** Information on Mr Hellyer can be found online here:… — Letter also sent to local constituency: 318 High Street Cowdenbeath Fife KY4 9QJ and emailed to House of Commons: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Last Updated ( Sunday, 06 May 2007 )