From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-06-21 15:12:10 noonehastodie.blogsp… .html Jason Bermas Reveals His Own WTC 7 Source, Barry Jennings Today on the Alex Jones Radio Show Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas came on with some “new” information about 9/11. They had an interview recently with Barry Jennings (Deputy…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-06-21 11:00:03  A new page, featuring statements from more than 140 Engineers andArchitects, has been added to PatriotsQuestion911…. site now features statements by more than 500 credibleindividuals that question or contradict the official account of 9/11,with more being added all the time.  They…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-06-18 12:18:55 GM Crops to Contaminate Organic Food, By EU Order Daily Mail; London (UK), 2007-06-13 A NEW GM farming regime that will let so-called ‘Frankenstein food’ contaminate neighbouring fields of organic produce is to be allowed by EU agriculture ministers. Yesterday, they…