From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-07-15 08:33:56
#ygrps-yiv-1717350925 P { PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:0px;PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;MARGIN:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-1717350925 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} WATCH THIS ONE HOUR VIDEO ONLINE:… VIDEO SUMMARY Friday July 13, 2007, Larry King interviewed guests such as: Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist focused on the evidence and testimonies supporting the claim that the military and government covered-up the 1947 alleged Roswell UFO crash. Jesse Marcel Jr. describes what he saw when he was 11 years old. His father Major Jesse Marcel brought home pieces of what they concluded were artifacts of a crashed flying saucer in July 1947. Buzz Aldrin did a long demonstration using an Apollo 11 rocket model during his segment. It prompted Larry King to remind Aldrin of time restraints and to get to the UFO or unidentified light that he claims was following his Apollo 11 space craft that brought Neil Armstrong to be the first human to ever walk on the moon. Fife Symington talks about a huge delta-shape moving object that he saw on March 13, 1997 in Phoenix Arizona. He now claims it was a spacecraft from another world. For more information, see: www.freedomofinfo.or…. James Fox, filmmaker of the documentary “Out of the Blue,” says the government and army would be the first ones to know if UFOs were in our sky. He says that his video “Out of the Blue” features testimonies of many credible government, army, intelligence and NASA insiders who confirm that we are being visited by non human intelligences and that the military is covering up the truth. George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM (with Art Bell on weekends) says that he spoke with former NASA astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell who told him that he believes we are being visited by extraterrestrial intelligences. Noory believes it is real. Michael Shermer claims that with science, people’s observations and testimonies are irrelevant. He claims that people don’t have the ability to accurately observe what they see, even if he is an Air Force pilot, intelligence officer or President of the United States. He claims that the ONLY way to scientifically confirm if we are being visited by non human, non earth-bound intelligences is to have a sample of a craft, alien object, or alien being so scientists can analyze them and make a scientific conclusion, not a conclusion based on what people want to believe or not believe. See transcript of the show:…