From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-08-15 00:10:06
YouTube Clip:… www.coasttocoastam.c… My name is Kenneth John Parsons and I am the author of this report: On July 22nd, 2007, 11pm, my partner Hilary was conducting her usual sky watching routine with binoculars before she went to bed, (you see, we are both avid sky watchers and jointly run BEAMS – The British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society, a non profit-making organization that deals with matters relating to UFO’s and The Paranormal), when she shouted downstairs to me as I was working away on my pc in the office. “Quick, come up here”, she bellowed, so I rushed upstairs to see what all the fuss was about and saw why she was so excited; there in the sky was a large red orb hovering over the Guildford area (Surrey, UK)….no other lights or anything around it, just this pure red luminosity. Well, this was not just some tiny lights in the sky stuff, this baby was definitely worth recording, so I dashed downstairs to get my video camera, and shot back upstairs just in time to film the orb before it vanished from view. Keeping my camera on standby mode, just in case this thing should return…I was astounded when I saw it again, and then along came another to join it, then a third and even a fourth! The first three large red orbs grouped together to form a massive triangle and the fourth kept popping in and out of shot….and luckily I got all of this on film. I am afraid that there are some swear words on the soundtrack of this dvd, as we both exclaimed our amazement…what else could we say? “wow” just doesn’t fit the bill. The event only lasted for about a minute or so…but both Hilary and I were elated by the experience. This sighting came right on top of a rash of reports of similar objects which had been seen as far afield as Stratford-upon-Avon, (by dozens of onlookers), and Ashford in Kent for the day before which lent even more weight to the importance of what we had just seen. But although spectacular, this event would have been dwarfed if only I had managed to capture something else that we had seen in the sky over the Guildford area, a few months ago on Easter Saturday. Then, both Hilary, myself and a friend named Jonathon, were sky watching from the Hogs Back, again looking towards Guildford, (the Stoughton, Jacob’s Well area to be precise), and as we settled down I made some remark to the sky like “now come on, I don’t want any more of those fiddly lights that my camera won’t pick up….I want something juicy to shut them skeptics up!” We all laughed, but then gasped as an object suddenly appeared in the sky, (as if in response to my plea), that we estimated was the size of Guldford Cathedral, (which was in our field of vision as well, ideal for reference purposes), maybe bigger…not just once, but on three occasions. I really thought the world was coming to any end, as if this was a ‘second-coming’ or something, I mean, we were really scared to begin with, this just wasn’t normal. The object was the most beautiful, but weird shade of pink-red, (an unearthly colour), that we had ever seen and just appeared incredibly bright, and then after some while, it began to land, maintaining its brilliance all the way down to ground. We were left speechless…and then began shouting out words to the effect of, “please show yourself again”…and ‘it’ did! This second time though, Hilary and Jonathon urged me to shine my million candle watt torch that I had brought along, directly at it, (which was like a searchlight against the night sky), to try and see if there was any structure there…and at that instant the ufo/thing…whatever it was, totally vanished…I mean instantly…we just couldn’t believe it! But then some minutes later it returned for a third time, appearing bright pink-red as before, huge size and then after hovering a while proceeded to land. The annoyance was that I had camera problems on that occasion and very little came out…just a red orb with non of the amazing luminosity that we had witnessed; since then I have purchased a much better video-cam….kicking myself ever since for relying on an out-of-date VHS machine like that, thus missing the event of a lifetime. Still, this latest sighting of July 22nd, kinda made up for that disappointment, and below are two video grabs of that event. I urge all of the listeners and site viewers to keep their eyes on the skies…because currently, we are undoubtedly witnessing an unprecedented global ufo wave. –Kenneth John Parsonsdarkambient@h…