From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2007-09-29 11:10:21 Attachments : _filtered #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 { font-family:Tahoma;} _filtered #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 { font-family:Verdana;} _filtered #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 { font-family:Comic Sans MS;} _filtered #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 { font-family:Calibri;} _filtered #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 {margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt;} #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 A:link { } #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 SPAN.ygrps-yiv-2139507375MSOHYPERLINK { } #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 A:visited { } #ygrps-yiv-2139507375 SPAN.ygrps-yiv-2139507375MSOHYPERLINKFOLLOWED {…

From: Clive Denton Date: 2007-09-28 18:49:49 Whilst we are in the grips of an invasion of northern European midges that have flown across the English Channel carrying a virus that has infected UK live stock on the East coast and is now moving across the country. And Whilst farmers…