On Friday 17th August 2007, I was contacted by Caroline Carter, whom I had previously corresponded with regarding the Chemtrail Report I compiled earlier in the year. This was the message she sent me. Below that is the other information she sent.
Hi Andrew
Would you take a look at these things that we have found covering our garden. I am worried as the dog seems very sick also my daughter who put this slide together is unwell today with a sore throat, painful chest and aching bones.
I sent the pictures to a micro biologist who replied that they looked like nanotubes but they could not be as nanotubes do not float around freely in the air.
[Note, I said to Caroline: If you are using a USB microscope, then I doubt you are seeing nanotubes – a USB microscope wouldn’t be powerful enough to say this for sure.]
He was obviously not chemtrail aware. They appeared following a heavy rainfall.
I noticed a neighbour who has a tall evergreen box hedge has this all over one side, where the webby stuff is the hedge is dying. The same is happening to parts of a hedge in my front garden where some of this stuff is.
The web is quite fluorescent under the microscope. Before gathering it up it looks like a thickish blue cotton, it clearly differs from a spider web in the way it is designed, it is comprised of many hexagon shapes all joined together.
Caroline made an online Photo Album of her pictures
She also made a YouTube video:
More pictures and responses from other
Hi Andrew
Sorry to bother you but did you manage to talk to anyone today?
I rung my local paper and I am going to see a reporter tomorrow.
In all honesty I was hoping that you may have found out that these webs although strange looking are not anything sinister.
Last night as it was almost dark, approx9.30pm, Michelle went into the back garden, half of the lawn was glittering with the shiny moisture drops that are starting to becoming familiar.
There had not been any rain, anyway if the moisture was rain the whole of the lawn should have been wet.
We took a lot of photo’s, the three attached will give you an idea of the overall picture.
Andrew, this stuff is slightly sticky and there seems to be some kind of invisible web structure holding it together, it is almost impossible to get any web as it dissolves straight away.
Hi Caroline,
Thank you for taking the time to write and all the work that you have done to photograph and document these materials and the event(s). This seems to be one of the best things that can be done at this stage, and it is unfortunate that it never seems to go further. The materials certainly appear to be similiar in nature to the extensive work that I have done on samples that have been sent to me over the years. The counter claim that will usually be given is that these are spider webs – the case against spider webs can usually be made fairly easily but at least be aware this is what may be thrown at you. I would send them to Jeff Rense if you can and he may likely give broader exposure to all of the work that you have done. I believe Jeff’s email address is sightings@mindspring… and you can also mention my name to him if you would like. You can also send this email to him if you would like. I think the photographs are best seen by a larger audience. More attention may be garnered if you can draw any parallel between the decay or decline of vegetation where contact is continuous – I have not seen that claim before and it has ramifications which more of can realize and accept if it is the case.
I would not make physical contact with these materials. There may be a connection (does seem likely) between these fibers and morgellons but that link has never been proven to my knowledge at this point – I only know it to be circumstantial. Definitely also become familiar with Dr. Hilde Staningers work (audio interviews) on Rense’s site. I still have more catching up to do there myself but she makes full claim of identification of materials like this as being in the nanotechnology class.
The materials may decay and my time is limited, but if I can work up time (about a half dozen samples behind right now) to look at them under a more powerful scope I will try to do so. If they can be sent my address is:
Clifford E Carnicom
Caroline, thanks so much for writing.
We saw the spider web tool being tested in1999, during a period in which a large number of communities were hit with unknown infections sufficient to send large numbers of people to emergency rooms. The spiderweb is used to hold bio-agents in place long enough to get them down to ground level, where the web material is supposed to dissipate, releasing the germs into the wind. Terribly sorry you are experiencing the result.
Great research though, and thanks so much for the pictures!!
Obviously I need to alert my readers. I suspect this is happening in a number of locations. I see the release of "Bird Flu" in what appears to be a natural way as the most likely scenario for the desired die-off, but I also think they have to get all their ducks in a row first. They are very close to that point – but they really want to troops on the ground in Iran before the world is paralyzed by pandemic.
Best info is that the chemtrail program has cost a billion dollars U.S. on each side of the Atlantic, every year since it got rolling in 99. When this year’s Easter plot failed, a very angry Bush complained, "That’s another billion for Star Wars" – which is their code name for the overall plan (a weapon pointed at an entire planet).
In 99 and 2000, bio tests on different communities were, I believe, used to measure the effectives of the immune-suppressing feature of the Chemtrail component that falls to ground level, Ethylene Dibromide, to see how people with compromised immune systems would react to various forms of infection. If too many had died from "flu-like symptoms" (as they did in the UK) then they would have backed off on the chemtrail dose rate.
I don’t think they even imagined that they would still be spraying at this late date, which is probably at least two years past their original time line.
My best guess is that we will see experiences like yours popping up in many locations to measure chemtrail effectiveness as they go into what they hope is the home stretch.
Ken Welch
Unidentified Insect – 22nd August 2007
Yesterday (21st Aug 2007) Michelle found two dead bugs on the lawn, I thought straight away that something about these bugs was not right, but in all honesty Andrew I had to stop and consider that I may be over tired and that my imagination was getting out of hand.
I did not however at the time connect the weird bugs with our webs.
This morning the bugs still seemed very strange so I found an article that I remembered seeing, regarding a local lady doctor and her son who is a budding entomologist, finding glo-worms nearby, apparently this was rather strange too according to the article. The doctors number was in the article so I gave her a call and she agreed to look at our bug pics.
The answer you saw.
After getting her reply I looked again at the scope pics of the web things Michelle took the second day. At the time I did not take too much notice,the web things
seemed a lot more advanced but that was all.
I was also busy catching up on my work which has badly lapsed this last week.
Andrew, after looking at the 2nd day scope pics again, I am absolutely sure that these bugs will prove to be from the webs..
I have spent hours on the net trying to find some mosquito that does not lay its lava in water, there is not any, well none that I could find. But neither is there any such mosquito as ours.
If mosquitoes only lay their lava in water what the hell are they doing in these webs.?
Perhaps an article in yesterdays Daily Mail will help us get to the bottom of the problem (see below)
There is another major concern I have and that is the similarity between one of the web things and a picture I found on google of H5N1.
I have put the google images up next to the particular web thing I am talking about.
Reply From Local Dr.
Hi Caroline,
Well, we’ve never seen anything like this before. Is there any chance you could slip one of them in a film canister or something & mail it to us, or if you’re close enough, drop it round so we can have a closer look. The only conclusions that we’ve come up with so far are that it’s an early moult of some kind of insect. The two barb-like pincers are a bit at odds with the long proboscis – the first suggests it’s a predator and the second that it’s a sap sucker. The compound eyes suggest some kind of fly. One possibility is that it may be a larval stage of a horse-fly of some kind, which do live in damp soil. Probably the best thing to do for a definitive answer is send the pictures to Surrey Wildlife Trust (www.surreywildlifetr…) and see if they have an insect expert who can do the identification. If you find out, we’d be very interested to know whatthey are.
Sorry we can’t be of more help,
K & B M
Deadly mosquito has landed in Britain
Last updated at 22:15pm on 20th August 2007
A Mosquito which can carry a host of deadly diseases has entered Britain.
Two Asian tiger mosquitoes, which can transmit up to 23 infections – including West Nile virus and dengue fever – were found in a suburban back garden.
Illnesses passed on when the insect bites humans include a parasitic worm which can cause serious breathing complications.
The species is normally found only in the forests of Asia, Africa and South America.
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Britain has been invaded by the Asian tiger mosquito which carries potentially-fatal diseases
But after its discovery in Gloucestershire – the first sighting in Britain – experts fear it may have settled here permanently.
The mosquito, which has yellow stripes, is believed to have entered the UK on container ships and then thrived in this year’s wet summer.
The insects were spotted at a house in Cheltenham by resident Julian Berryman.
The 41-year-old said: "I have seen tiger mosquitoes when I travelled around Europe and thought this looked like one.
Arran Dzendrowski spotted the striped mosquitoes on a wall in his grandmother’s back garden
"They are very big mosquitoes and the most ferocious going."
Because the Asian tiger mosquito lays its eggs in water it is feared they were surviving in small pools that collect in the bottom of tyres sent to Britain on container ships from Asia.
The insect is particularly dangerous because, unlike other mosquito species, it bites in the day and not just in the evening.
West Nile virus, which has killed hundreds in mainland Europe and North America, lives mainly in birds, but can be passed to humans when they are bitten by a mosquito which has already bitten an infected bird.
Dengue fever, which is most common in Africa, India and the Far East, can also prove fatal.
Symptoms include a sudden high fever, painful aches in the bones, joints and muscles, and a rash.
Asian tiger mosquitoes were first reported in Europe in 1979, in Albania and Italy in 1990.
More recently they have been seen in France, Belgium, Montenegro, Israel, Switzerland and Spain, but there have been no recorded sightings from the UK.
Clive Salisbury, pollution control manager for Cheltenham Borough Council, said the mosquitoes found in the town had been sent for final identification.
He said: "Although it appears to be warm enough for them to survive over here, it’s not thought to be hot enough for the diseases they carry in countries like Africa to survive in the UK."
The Health Protection Agency said: "In certain parts of Europe where the species can be found they are not able to carry any viruses.