
From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2007-10-23 18:04:17

I hope we get access to on-demand H2 production systems soon! (Storage based systems are almost unusable)   HISTORY Approximately 10 years ago, the company’s founder, Doug Bender, and his associates began HyPower Fuel Inc. as a private corporation with the goal of developing alternative fuel sources to reduce dependence on crude oil and reduce exhaust emissions. In 1996, “alternative fuel”, “hydrogen”, “biodiesel”, “fuel cells”, and “hybrid” had little meaning to the average consumer. Since then, all of these alternative fuels and technologies have become much more recognized and understood.With the realization that hydrogen was soon to be in great demand due to its abundance and zero emissions characteristics, the company investigated various methods of producing hydrogen and found that electrolysis was one of the oldest and simplest methods of hydrogen production. The problem was that very little technological advancement had been made in over 150 years. A blind market study revealed a significant demand for technologies to reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions. Thus, opportunities were highlighted to link on-demand hydrogen production through electrolysis with the need for fuel economy and emission reduction.Prototypes of the Hydro Power Pak (HPP) were built and tested on various engines and steps were taken to perfect and verify the reductions attained by injecting hydrogen into gasoline and diesel engines. In 2001, a patent for the HPP was attained giving the company a foundation on which to build its hydrogen production and injection technologies. The company’s research and development facility has expanded to include two engine test cells, an electronics lab, a fabrication shop, and various test benches with testing apparatus.The company has dedicated the past decade to developing and commercializing hydrogen insertion and production technologies for industrial purposes, including for use with internal combustion engines, specifically the diesel engine. VISION & MISSION It is our vision that HyPower will be a world leader in reducing the world’s dependence on crude oil and gas supplies. Our mission drives us to develop alternative fuel technologies that reduce fuel consumption and toxic emissions while at the same time increasing value to our shareholders and empowering our research staff to think outside of the box. www.hypowerfuel.com/…  

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