David Sherlock filmed this extraordinary "sinusoidal" trail, accompanying the more "billowing" type of trail on 7th March 2008 – near his home in Swanley, Kent, UK.
I wonder if they are "playing around" with the "Chemtrail mix". Notice how the trail spreads out and the arc gets wider over time. If anyone has a good explanation for this, please contact me.
Many thanks to Dave for capturing this very strange event! Access Dave’s MySpace here.
Photo sequence:
2008-03-07 12-29-41 WavyChemtrail (1).JPG
2008-03-07 12-29-52 WavyChemtrail (2).JPG
2008-03-07 12-30-05 WavyChemtrail (3).JPG
2008-03-07 12-30-25 WavyChemtrail (4).JPG
2008-03-07 12-30-29 WavyChemtrail (5).JPG
2008-03-07 12-30-37 WavyChemtrail (6).JPG
2008-03-07 12-30-50 WavyChemtrail (7).JPG
2008-03-07 12-31-05 WavyChemtrail (8).JPG
2008-03-07 12-31-20 WavyChemtrail (9).JPG
2008-03-07 12-37-13 WavyChemtrail (10).JPG
2008-03-07 12-37-16 WavyChemtrail (11).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-10 WavyChemtrail (12).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-14 WavyChemtrail (13).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-19 WavyChemtrail (14).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-28 WavyChemtrail (15).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-30 WavyChemtrail (16).JPG
2008-03-07 12-38-35 WavyChemtrail (17).JPG