From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2008-04-28 23:13:08   Paradigm Research Group          April 28, 2008                                           Press Release Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group (PRG) makes the following announcements regarding matters arising from and related to X-Conference 2008 at the Gaithersburg Hilton Hotel, April 18-20.

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2008-04-28 18:14:06   Climate Change Data Challenge – Booklet     This 35-page booklet which presents data to challenge the assumed cause(s) of Climate Change using photographic evidence. In this booklet you will see/read about:   ·        Evidence of Planetary Climate Changes throughout…

From: clive.denton@griffin-internet-computing.c Date: 2008-04-28 12:24:57 How town hall snoopers hijack anti-terror powers to crack down on dog fouling   How town hall snoopers hijack anti-terror powers to crack down on dog fouling By MATTHEW HICKLEY   Surveillance powers designed to track terrorists are being deployed by…