From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2008-06-05 20:11:41
Barrett Welcomes Opponent in Libertarian Primary For Immediate Release – June 4, 2008 Contact: Dr. Kevin Barrett; 608-583-2132, Rolf Lindgren; 608-279-5889, rolfusaugustusadolph… www.barrettforcongre… According to the Government Accountability Board, Dr. Kevin Barrett will have a Libertarian opponent for this September’s Libertarian primary in the 3rd Congressional district. Barrett’s opponent will be Ben Olson III of Wisconsin Dells, who is a long time member of the Libertarian party, and has filed his declaration of candidacy. Kevin Barrett welcomes the opportunity for both candidates to tour the district and discuss and debate issues important to 3rd district voters. In 2000, Ben Olson was awarded the ‘Lights of Liberty’ Award by the Advocates for Self-Government, for Libertarian activism. Barrett, who is running as a populist “New Libertarian” in the tradition of Fighting Bob LaFollette, Ed Thompson, and Jesse Ventura, looks forward to debating the more traditionally Libertarian Olson in order to compare and contrast the two approaches to the Libertarian philosophy. Olson’s views on 9/11 remain unknown to the Barrett campaign at this time.