From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2008-06-08 20:25:29
Attachments : Subject: Rare phone tap presented on the Jerry Pippin Show ( JFK show- Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover) The assassinations of America on the Jerry Pippin Show Now available – New Program on the Kennedy Assassinations40 years ago this week, Robert Kennedy was killed in Los Angeles. Not quite five years earlier, his brother President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas. In this program, we feature rare tape of a telephone conversation between President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover one week after the murder in Dallas plus an in-depth interview with author/historian Paris Flammonde about his series of works called Assassination of America – The program deals with his two years of working with Jim Garrison as the New Orleans DA prepared his case against Clay Shaw who was charged by him with conspiracy to commit murder. Go here for direct link to the program as a windows media download or a podcast mp3:… Remember all programs are available for listneing 24.7 free of charge advertiser supported at