From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2008-06-29 10:54:05
You thought you knew the truth a while ago? Well, I think Cathy Garger felt the same at one time (as did I).… One Dozen Ways to Spot a Spook At Your Next 9/11 “Movement” Gathering
by Cathy Garger, 25 May 2008 Here are some tips I have found very helpful when trying to determine whether or not I am speaking to a person who wants the truth to come out – or not, say, for example, at a conference, for example, or at a 9/11 “movement” meeting.1) Put Options
This individual loves to speak all about “put options” and who pulled what stock out prior to 9/11. You may even be told that this is the very best way to educate others about 9/11 Truth.2) Hijackers
This individual speaks endlessly about the hijackers and whether or not they could fly planes and about Jeb and where the non-pilots went to flight school. This individual is apparently fascinated by hijackers and tries to monopolize the conversation this way.3) The Movement
This individual is hyper-concerned about “the movement.” If you ask, What about the uh…Truth??? They will tell you the average person can not handle the truth, so do not mention it, do not bring it up. They will look at you sternly and tell you that you must not jeopardize the “movement” by giving people too much information that they will not understand.4) The Jersey Girls and Press for Truth
You may be asked to sit and listen to the courage of the Jersey Girls who had the guts to tell the 9/11 Commission maybe they were covering something up.5) Missile “shudders”
If you happen to ask about missiles? This individual will look a bit nervous, will lose eye contact for a moment, and may tell you that yes, that is fascinating conversation just between you and me… but you will be advised not to even go there with a novice. Then this individual will quickly steer the subject back to Put Options or the Jersey Girls or William noticing bombs in the stairwells.6) Personal Heroes
This individual’s personal hero will be only one of a few people and you will be told in great detail about one or all of the following: This list consists of: Kyle Hence, the Jersey Girls, William Rodriguez, Dr. Stephen Jones, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Greg Jenkins, Norm Chomsky – and woops. There are no others.7) Method of destruction
Controlled Demolition by thermite/thermate. No other theories are allowed to be discussed. You will hear a great deal about thermate’s glow and how the military uses it in their controlled demolitions. Open and shut case. The jury is out. Further discussion is neither entertained nor welcomed. It matters not that this individual has not even studied other theories. This individual has made up his mind without the necessity of examining other information. 8) Airborne Laser, such as is currently used in the US Military
Do not mention this to this individual. If you do, all you will hear are comments about loony-tunes, outer space, martians, aliens, and space beams. Predictably, they often may even actually hum the theme to theTwilight Zone and try other attempts to marginalize researchers or anyone else who would even consider this theory for one moment. This individual does not want to hear about US weaponry military applications that have been around since the Strategic Defense Initiative and directed energy weaponry was set up back in 1984. You will be yelled at that you are ruining “the movement” for even investigating this theory. You will then ask, “You mean the movement for TRUTH? Or… are there two different meanings for the word TRUTH?”This individual will distract away from this topic every time or try to make you think you are insane for even bringing the subject up at all. That is how you will know you are onto something. Watch the individual’s body language carefully when you present this topic for discussion with any 9/11 truth organizer who looks uncomfortable with any topic you present.If the individual is more skilled, as in super polished? This individual may concede that this may be an interesting theory indeed and is certainly one hypothesis. You may be told that unfortunately, since there is no concrete evidence, you must always stick with thermate with new truth seekers because, again, even if another theory is possible, people can not “handle” the truth and you are hurting the movement by mentioning risky subjects too complicated for them to understand.9) Fake Dollars
You will be given deception dollars of websites which will cover all the points the “movement” wants you to learn about.10) An Open Mind
You will be excited to discuss various theories because you have a functioning brain capable of dissecting various hypotheses and looking at the various aspects, curiosities, and probabilities of each. This open mindedness will be discouraged. You will be asked to walk narrowly along only certain topics that are considered “safe” for the “movement.”Important Note: The “movement” is always more important than actual fact-finding and truthful sharing of all available knowledge. The “truth” will not vary from city to city and will vary very little from website to website. Miraculously, there is only one version of the “truth,” no matter where you go in the world wherever these groups are organized! And quite conveniently, they have already packaged it up quite nicely for you so that all you need to do is re-gurgitate it like a simple, programmed, lobotomized fool.11) Headquarters
When you hear the word “headquarters” know that that is exactly what it is. You will be told which 9/11 films your cookie-cutter-organized group may show and you will note that the websites clear across the country carry the same or very similar themes. GroupThink is prevalent and not all topics are permitted, nor are all 9/11 presenters welcome. Only certain pre-approved theories are welcome.12) WTC7 and Larry
This individual will talk endlessly about Larry Silverstein and “pulling” WTC7. He will tell you that since that one building was “pulled,” the towers necessarily were, too.In short? There is no 9/11 movement that resembles “truth.” It is a scam and I’ve been through this for years and can now spot the employees immediately. They do not want to talk about anything but their own theory (or rather, “the movement’s” theory) and they will talk all over you with very little give and take, no genuine back and forth conversation allowed, so that you may not discuss any theories of your own.It is my hope that now you will be able to spot them, too.I’ve been asking myself for the last four years, what are they hiding? So I look at everything they do not care to discuss.PS – Next time you’re with an individual who demonstrates the qualities above, ask them who has filed any legal suits yet? Tell them no, you are not referring to Ellen Mariani. Then watch their silence.See… GargerAssociate Member Scholars for 9/11 Truth Help the US become Radiation Free by 2033!www.radiation.orgCathy —–Original Message—–From: Brian Dovey [mailto:brian.st4rman@virgin…]Sent: 29 June 2008 00:25To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Re: Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement Andrew, there was so much more i could have added,but declined to do so. Like the one London meet I attended last year, where while it was nice to be with like minded people I felt the need to become one of the group and attend Parliament demos,was really fundamentally flawed. I have always felt this way is not conducive to mass public realization of the truth of events,and had a “feeling” about the Chair taken by Stefan to be a limited stance against the PTB,Including the goddess that is Annie M. I see no reason to change my opinion since that day,no one in the movement has proposed going out in small groups in neighborhoods,that would I feel be the most effective method of campaigning. Therefore the root of mistrust was planted for me anyway.Adding my recent ban/suspension from the UK9/11 forum soon after posting Andrew’s link,and defending myself from unqualified accusations,and the tiresome limited exposure of the chemtrail phenomenon.Also included is the endless parroting of the golabal warming,and peak oil meme as truth on the 9/11 forum,that is enough for me,and good riddance to that forum and the sociai conformists within. There are still some good posters left on the UK 9/11 forum, but for how much longer? Brian —– Original Message —– From: Andrew Johnson To: Brian Dovey Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 11:09 PM Subject: RE: Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement Thanks Brian – I have fwd’d your e-mail to Cathy Garger – whom I have exchanged a few e-mails with over the last few months. Andrew —–Original Message—–From: Brian Dovey [mailto:brian.st4rman@virgin…]Sent: 28 June 2008 22:17To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Re: Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement Andrew, I did enjoy,(yes I think that’s the right word) reading this article,and agree pretty much with it’s sentiment. Cheers Brian —– Original Message —– From: Andrew Johnson To: ad.johnson@ntlworld…. Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:18 AM Subject: Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement… Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement By Cathy GargerJun 26, 2008, 12:31 At the Radford Conference last month, despite the fact I was there to speak on radioactive weapons (Depleted Uranium) and moderate a War Crimes/Indictment Panel, I was followed around by Official 9-11 Truth men-on-a-mission. These creepy individuals, wearing standard-issue-black 9-11 Truth T-shirts as identifying uniforms, followed me, sat next to me, and made me gag during mealtimes. Apparently, I was part of the weekend agenda for these dedicated defenders of Empire. In this group I shall include one certain over-confident writer seated next to me one night at dinner. The author was incredulous I had not read his novel, roughly based on Official 9-11 Truth Movement doctrine. It appears I managed to say something to piss off the writer sufficiently – enough to cause him to leave the table before dessert! I suspect his departure – without as much as a good bye- had something to do with my sharing that Id studied 9-11 for years, had heard of his book, but expressed no intention of reading it. He also appeared incredulous I had the audacity to suggest the Twin Towers were, in all likelihood, not felled by the same method as was building 7. But mostly, I suspect the author was disturbed I did not swoon sufficiently in his direction in what clearly was an over-inflated self image as a celebrated Official 9-11 movement celebrity. Like I said, his book is a novel i.e., pure fiction. And with the world falling down around us, tell me who has the time or stomach – for such nonsense? Actually, when you rip off the outer core or shell of the issue, its all but a game being played on Americans – whereby outright lies about what happened on September 11 are being pawned off as Official Truth. The other 9-11 black-shirt dudes knew who I was but apparently had no idea I was on to them. I sat expressionless and even nodded politely throughout their lectures, not arguing too strenuously when expressing viewpoints that did not exactly jive with their Official 911-Truth Gospel. Ive got to admit, it was rather exciting to watch obvious agents of the Empire sweat. (Okay, we all get our kicks in different ways, I guess!) But I deemed it only fair, after all, that during their weekend spent working the likes of me, they should, by all rights, be kept busy earning their keep. After all, my tax dollars were clearly hard at work! Thus, I was eager to listen with fascinated bemusement to their multitude of canned and memorized talking points as all good 9-11 Movement leaders do – regurgitating upon non-suspecting poor souls facts learned, no doubt, back in 9-11 Official Truth Training School . Im not sure where 9-11 Official Truth Training is held (some say Spook Central is located in Miami ). But one things for dang certain, the program is well-run and turns out personable, articulate, semi-intelligent robots capable of running their mouths like a broken record, operating a DVD player, directing groups to hold signs and hand out fliers on city street corners, and all the other myriad logistical details required to run a 9-11 Official Truth Movement operation in a major city. And to their credit, these individuals apparently study quite hard, as they are all quite adept at spitting back the latest currently featured stories – including slick propaganda weaved into professional quality videos on the 9-11 Official Truth website. During the lectures that May weekend, I heard the usual stuff these movement leaders lamely offer, such as stock put options, and the tired story of a Maintenance hero named William R. who reportedly found bombs (i.e., explosives) in stairwells. I was also subject to listening (for the ten thousandth time) about hijackers taking flight lessons in Florida and Silverstein admitting to pulling WTC7, via controlled demolition. Now and then I would playfully insert a comment to increase their heart rate and provoke their visible excitement (yeah, I told you I get off on this stuff!)
while I was seriously cautioned to never verbalize out loud the lack of any substantial proof or credible evidence (the kind that cant be doctored or fudged) that commercial passenger jet planes ever actually hit the towers. Nor should we ever, I was sternly admonished, discuss missiles nor Directed Energy Weapons such as the Airborne Laser – even if we do find these topics interesting – because then, as the Official 9-11 catechism teaching goes, that would scare people off, make them think we are lunatics, and discredit the movement for all those still new to exploring the so-called Truth. God help me, I swear I heard the word movement with regard to 9-11 more times that weekend than I heard the words war and peace out of the mouths of graying, former hippies who flew out from San Francisco to attend the Virginia conference. These brown shirts (okay, their 9-11 shirts were black, but you get the point) did not appreciate my simple question, one I asked many times, namely, Uh
.What about the actual Truth? I was told repeatedly that people cannot handle the truth, so we should, therefore, stick only to whatever safe, easy to understand facts could potentially help the movement, being sure not to take any risks by discussing things people might find difficult to believe, understand, or digest. Ah, I see
9-11 Pablum for the masses was their deal! Lets not give Americans the actual Truth, but rather be all-concerned with presenting only a few easy-to-swallow tidbits so we dont have to stretch their incompetent minds to deal with science
science, that is, that might very well lead to a wee bit too much Truth for those in power to be able to handle! Yes, at the Radford Conference of the World Prout Assembly this May, 2008, the mission of the national guarders-of-Truth was absolutely confirmed! I kept wondering precisely what movement there is if we are not encouraged to get to the bottom of things and research the science for ourselves to figure out what happened. I mean, do these guys not realize how doggone obvious they are, forcing upon people only certain pre-established issues and pre-determined conclusions, deemed to be safe for the movement? Did they not comprehend that the very fact they are so adamant that we all stick so narrowly to their pre-fabricated agenda, with absolutely zero tolerance for inquisitive pondering, is a blatantly obvious indication to anyone with even half a brain that these men in black had been specifically trained and tasked with a specific mission? I tried to keep a straight face as I was also informed (as if religious dogma) that we should only listen to the work of one particular scientist. Strategically positioned as the quiet, religious, choir boy expert as close to god as the world will ever find, this federally-trained scientist has been widely heralded in 9-11 Official Truth Movement circles as the solitary guru who possesses the *only* scientific theory worth considering. No matter that the scientist in question worked for a major national DOE weapons laboratory in the field of advanced energy projects research. Followers of Official 9-11 Truth doctrine are not concerned with such petty details like the curious past of their movements savior and the other conspicuously religious, patriot military dude who used to command the laser weapons programs used by the US military in our skies above. Very interesting Truth indeed! When discussing how the towers were obliterated into tons of fine, powdery dust before our very eyes, there is no room, no tolerance for discussion. Try to make a point for anything other than Super Thermate and one can absolutely count on being slammed without opportunity for comment in a Ground Zero minute! No matter the US military is the only entity capable of using high energy weapons technology to obliterate 110-story skyscrapers into mere dust! With the Official 9-11 Movement, its always case closed, no room for any alternative theory that might put a one-of-a-kind identifying fingerprint uniquely, squarely on the supremely powerful red, white, and blue
and its private military force that does not even answer to the Pentagon. The mission of the controlled Official 9-11 Truth Movement is both blatantly obvious and absolutely understandable. One can certainly see the perpetrators unquestionably critical need to direct away from such, um, inconvenient little details. Its quite elementary, actually, when we comprehend the necessity of sticking to any story that prevents the dirty deeds from being able to be attributed to the only perps capable of possessing a certain particularly distinguishable technology. For truly all hell would break loose if Ma and Pa in the heartland were to realize that terrist hijackers could not possibly have flown commercial passenger airliners into the Twin Towers nor planted explosives high up in the towers even though our Fearless Leader did tell the world this is precisely what happened. I sat and listened more than once that weekend in Virginia to the Official 9-11 canned spiel, allowing these defenders of Empire to think they were actually winning me, a critical thinker and seasoned Associate Member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth, over into 9-11 Official Truth Movement Group-Think. I was able to look them straight in the eye and catch every word of their well-researched speeches, all the while asking myself if agents paid to lead 9-11 Official Truth Groups in major cities round the world were, in reality, not even a mite bit smarter than little ol me? Apparently not. Listen up guys, if youre reading (and Im quite certain you are). Ive been studying 9-11 for years before you even went to spook school. Dont waste any more time on me, as I gave up your god and Official Group-Think doctrine years back. I have done my homework, I know who you answer to, and I am well aware of your mission. Been there, heard that so many times before. So next time fellas, please go find some other sucka to goon upon! And to the rest of you good-hearted, smart folks? I suggest you join me in questioning the existence of a national, highly structured, organized group with a central home base, slick websites, professional videos of the caliber only highly trained propaganda experts could produce, and enough funding to pay an extremely highly skilled staff. I invite you to think long and hard about this zealous group, with decisions handed down for them on high from Headquarters (their term, not mine) with regard to what to tell the masses and how to spin it all together quite neatly into a tight little package efficiently melding Official 9-11 Truth followers into the peace and justice and impeachment movements. When the former head of the Star Wars Weapons program (think Directed Energy Weapons) tells us, It is time for everyone in the peace and justice movement to set aside our differences and work together as a single united force, this is the cue for all of us who possess functioning brains to look long and hard at the motives and tactics being used to corral well-meaning progressives into one easy-to-lead movement with controlled actions and feel-good events orchestrated and backed by none other than the very perps themselves. For discerning minds that actually appreciate independent thinking and actions, below are two good resources which make us think outside the 9-11 Official Truth Movement box. These articles discuss what Disinformation is and how it is used regularly in brilliant psy ops efforts, the likes of which most Americans do not even realize exist. Isnt it time we started thinking for ourselves? For whatever is being pushed on us by a massive, nationally run and highly organized, controlled effort with a consistent messageand the means to broadcast it into major cities all throughout the worldmust be carefully examined. What they are pushingen massemust be investigated, even if no reason other than it is quite conspicuously, pervasively, and persuasively being shoved down the international communitys throats for massive, mindless consumption. The Official 9/11 Truth Movement is a movement alright. But if we are truly in search of real, honest-to-goodness Truthas in what actually, really happenedthen we are all going to need to quickly develop inquisitive, questioning minds of our own in order to come up with some legitimate answers. In other words, we have been given brains and it is imperative we each now begin to think long and hard about these things all by ourselves. We need to be extremely wary of large, controlled-from-the-top organizations that tell us what to think, do, and say in order to truly restore peace and justice to our nation and find ways to remove and bring to justice the multitude of sociopaths running the show. If you are a free and independent thinker, youll be interested in reading about Disinformation a collection designed to teach us such strategies that are employed upon us, the general public, in clever psychological campaigns designed to obscure the truth and carefully direct (or rather, mis-direct) our attentions and efforts. Another must-read piece for those who enjoy thinking these things all the way through is Alternate Propaganda Conspiracy Theory used by government plants and the media. My rule of thumb, when reading theories of scientific research, is to ask myself what is everyone in the leadership of Official 9/11 Truth movement saying? For it is only after I determine what they want me to think can I then go out and explore all other possible alternative theories. For whatever they want us *most* to believe is the very place we must begin to conduct our own search for other answers. Those who perpetrated 9-11 have the bucks, the paid personnel, and the driving motive to make absolutely certain the vast majority of Americans never get too close to what actually happened on that horrid September day. And thus, the criminals responsible for the heinous crimes have manufactured an entire movement they are now merging with other movements to create a fail proof method of ensuring they are never exposed nor tried in a court of law for perpetrating the attacks, the very justification they created to enable the US to wage wars everlasting upon the rest of the resources-rich world. As I recall, hippies used to advise us, back in the 60s and early 70s, to Question Authority. Now, a few decades later and far more hip to the masterfully clever methods used by the Empire to control the thinking and actions of Americans around the subject of 9-11, our motto should be, Question large, organized groups that orchestrate national action campaigns around a pre-set, controlled agenda while discouraging people from thinking for themselves. It is imperative we research for ourselves what happened on 9-11. If we are then convinced we have not been told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but, we must begin to take legal action, as several courageous, private citizens have already done. We do not need an international organization to tell us their version of what went down at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What we do need, however, are bright and confident individuals who know the truth is out there and who realize they have minds capable of figuring out these things for themselves. What we also need are people who can work independently to find ways to expose controlled opposition groups infinitely more concerned with showing videos and carrying signs than they are in pursuing legal recourse to bring all of the criminals to justice for a multitude of high level crimes, including the committing of war crimes, crimes against humanity, environmental crimes, violations of basic human rights, genocide, and treason. And thats just for starters. In the beginning of our search for Truth, the Official 9-11 Truth Movement captures the attention, interest, and dedication of so many of us looking for answers. Once we realize their agenda and purpose for their existence, however, it is incumbent upon us to keep looking in new and perhaps opposite – directions. While not one to push any particular theory on anyone because it is never ones place to tell others what to believe, I invite all of you to open your eyes open a bit wider as I have done and realize that all that is pushed hard down our throats as the undeniable Truth is, quite often, anything but. Cathy Garger is a regular guest contributor to Axis of Logic. She is a freelance writer, public speaker, activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly nauseated by the stench emanating from the nation’s capital during the Washington , DC , federal work week. Cathy may be contacted at savorsuccesslady3@ya… © Copyright 2008 by Are you interested in what’s really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then…www.checktheevidence… happened on 9/11? No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1521 – Release Date: 26/06/2008 11:20 No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1521 – Release Date: 26/06/2008 11:20