From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2008-08-27 20:54:02
Apparently, I’ve sent “hate correspondence” to Ace Baker…. I’ve now asked them to broadcast a correction to this statement www.checktheevidence… www.checktheevidence… Addendum Ace Baker on Dynamic Duo – 26 Aug 2008 On 26th August 2008, Ace Baker appeared on the Dynamic Duo. Part of a segment in the first hour discussed Ace Bakers Challenge and mentioned the posting of this article (before this addendum was posted). At time code 2:36 in this clip, he stated, in regard to this challenge: Ive been getting the hate correspondence from from Andrew Johnson and so forth . This was a curious statement, as all the e-mails I have recently exchanged with Baker are included in this article in their entirety. (I have deleted the actual e-mail addresses to reduce bot spamming). Why couldnt Aces description have been more accurate, saying I have been getting correspondence from Andrew Johnson or I have been getting critical correspondence from Andrew Johnson or even Andrew Johnson asked me some questions about this, to which I responded.? Anyone reading this article, and the e-mails can clearly see there is no hate correspondence here. Additionally, it is not my style to indulge in such correspondence, as a study of my web postings, articles etc. will reveal. He then discussed my website and how I posted the earlier articles in this series. He then referred to the e-mail that John Hutchison sent to Dr Judy Wood (which she forwarded to me) regarding Johns attempted blog entry posting. Ace incorrectly states that John Hutchison contacted me directly he did not, as the e-mail header shows. Fetzer then read out the title of this article (Ace in the Hole Part 2), and the subtitle I posted on the front page (which read: What is the real motive behind Ace Baker’s new “Hutchison Effect Challenge?) Fetzer then stated: Oh, thats great, I love it when people start speculating on motives. Ace then adds: My motive is to get people to believe that Hutchison is a fake thats my motive. So, are Baker and Fetzer unconcerned with the large volume of evidence that John has amassed? (It seems pointless to ask this sort of question too many times.) Ace Baker then reads out Johns e-mail, but fails to mention that this text is what John Hutchison attempted to post on Ace Bakers blog, and that it was Johns best recall of it. (An entry posted on a blog is normally lost if the user does not make a copy, and it is subsequently not approved.) Fetzer then re-asserts that his treatment of John Hutchison, when he appeared on Fetzers show, was justified , because of Johns background. He then says: This is something that Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson and others dont seem to have processed. I think evidence presented here shows that I, and others, have very much processed what Jim Fetzer has been doing and I have documented evidence to suggest what his motive could be. In the second hour, a caller (John) from Canada rightly pointed out that just because Ace has produced a video which reproduces some of the aspects of the Hutchison Effect, it does not prove that John Hutchison is a fraud (Fetzer agreed with this logic). The caller then does a quite a good job of mentioning the additional evidence such as the metal samples and Dr Woods comparison to the effects seen on 9/11 (but even though he appears to have read this article, he failed to mention Aces opportunity to meet John Hutchison in Seattle). However, Ace then responds and says: I dont think that Judy believes in it [The Hutchison Effect], unfortunately, Ive come to the opinion that Judy Wood is um fits right in to the model of disinformation. Curiously, Ace then re-asserts his general support for the rest of Dr Woods 9/11 research and study of what happened at the WTC and states that she is absolutely right about the effects seen – such as dustification of the towers, the bent beams etc. Perhaps ironically, most of the remainder of the show is taken up with Aces discussion of his model of the ways disinformation can be promoted. What was the purpose, if any, of this broadcast with Ace Baker and Jim Fetzer? Are you interested in what’s really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then…www.checktheevidence… happened on 9/11?