From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2008-09-28 09:20:54
From Penny here in the UK —–Original Message—–From: Penny P. []Sent: 28 September 2008 05:59To: Paul ArnoldSubject: Fluoride in our water supply – Never!… Hi Folks, I was at the first meeting of the Cumbria Primary Care Trust Board on Thursday afternoon when the public were allowed in to listen to the debate re proposals to add toxic fluoride to our water supply. The five members of the public who attended were allowed to ask questions and Jane Jones (National Association of Pure Water) and her partner who was familiar with the legal aspect of all this proposed mass ‘medication’ or ‘poisoning’ to be more truthful, were allowed to speak for ten minutes. (This was rigorously timed by the chair lady, who seemed very antagonistic to our very presence in the room…) There were two nice people from Cumbrians Against Fluoride and their web site is worth a look :- www.cumbrians-agains… A large gentleman sat quietly behind us ‘Joe Public’ and after we had had our say, he sprang to his feet and stated that the information re dental fluorosis in children was not proven and he obviously was in favour of our water being poisoned!! When he sat down, I turned round and in a loud whisper (the meeting had carried on by this time) showed him the book by Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield entitled ‘The Great Thyroid Scandal which I had quoted from, under the section of ‘harm to the thyroid gland by fluoridated water.’ This chap positively oozed hostility and his whisper was louder than mine as he quietly shouted – ‘RUBBISH – IT’S ALL RUBBISH!’ I retorted (quietly) that the book was written by a medical doctor and what about the speaker who told the board that fluoridation was illegal? He was even more antagonistic and his retort was, ‘He doesn’t know anything about the legal position!!’ Then in a whisper that was becoming louder and louder, he spewed out a torrent of words describing his degrees and especially his doctorate!! As if I wanted to know that?? All I whispered back to him was ‘Yes – this clouds your mind!’ We both had to shut up then, as a gentleman on the board turned round and asked us to carry on our conversation out of the room as it was disturbing the meeting. (Ha-ha!) Wwwwhoa!! Who was this bumptious bugger whose dark aura I could positively feel emanating from him in deadly waves?? So I asked one of the board members at tea time and was told that he wasn’t known to them. I had a suspicion that he was the big boss man of the whole health authority and this was confirmed the next day in our weekly newspaper called ‘the Westmorland Gazette.’ I have copied part of the article for you to peruse – scroll down to see. The best bit of this story is that after I had come back as I had to escape for an hour due to no windows being open and the whole meeting being so boring, it wasn’t true, the vote had been taken to pursue the consultation process, which means ‘go ahead.’ The empty seat next to me was overflowing with a mish mash of printed papers and so I had a look through them. Imagine my delight when I found the section on fluoridation which was in the agenda given to all the board members before the meeting. Obviously too many had been printed and the surplus had been carelessly left for anyone to pick up – ME! Printed in the agenda which stuck out like a sore thumb was the boss man’s (Dr. John Ashton) directive to all board members to support the proposal to fluoridate the water supply!! Pressure was being put on these people before the meeting, which I think is very suspicious. I think that the EU are behind all this as they are the only ones who have classified fluoride as a ‘medicine,’ when everyone knows it is toxic industrial waste. This should be reported to the police and I wonder if Lynne McTaggart (edits What Doctors Don’t Tell You) and whose magazine printed an article in a past issue called ‘FLUORIDE – THE DUMBING DOWN OF A GENERATION.’ Her articles are well researched and her panel of helpers are all professional doctors or medical people. I shall have to contact her and she will remember me as in 2004, I met her at a Prophets Conference in Oxford and she talked to me about her children and vaccinations and mercury amalgam. We plod on trying to stem the tide of mass poisoning in this so-called developed country which we know is being run by reptilian hybrid psychopaths. As David Icke says – you couldn’t make it up! Please forward my message to anyone who you think could help in this urgent matter as the overall plan of these dark beings is to harm everyone in the country with the nasty stuff. Check out the history of fluoride from this web site and if you can, print off some leaflets to give out. I know that you are all good at doing that. Love and light from Pen x Leaflet page from NPWA site… Westmoreland Gazette page containing voting phone number. www.thewestmorlandga… Thiweb site doesn’t feature all the article and so I am copying from the newspaper :-s ‘Dr. John Ashton Cumbria’s director of public health, said: “The vast majority of doctors and dentists in the UK endorse the fluoridation of drinking water as a safe way to improve dental health.” This is evidence that when a doctor and dentist who is earning mega-bucks are told what to think and say by their boss men, then they do as they are told. What a sad state of affairs! PPS If you good people do share anything in this message, perhaps you ought to delete my reference to reptilian hybrids as some folks don’t understand who is really pulling the puppets’ strings.