Further Comments on the David Wilcock Interview

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2008-09-28 09:52:27

An astute reader has forwarded some additional comments. I hadn’t really considered the Psychic issues all that much, but I think these comments are very valid.   In Wilcock’s favour, however, I did read “Divine Cosmos” – which is available free, online as is “Shift of Ages” and I think there is some pretty good stuff in both of these. If we break this fellow down, we see that he originally hung his hat on supposedly being a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and being able to do readings the way Cayce did.  He often backs away from the reincarnation bit (but not the publicity) and he doesn’t do readings anymore and doesn’t want to talk about them or document them (as Cayce did).  So there is a lot to take on blind faith there.The other thing that he goes on about is December 21, 2012.  What that will be, he is a bit vague on.  It will be interesting to see how his articulation of that will evolve as that date approaches.The rest of what he does is internet research and conversations.  If he is not a real and active psychic that just makes him another one of us, except that he has managed to trade on his notoriety to meet people who do know things more easily than you or I could.Unlike you are I (I trust) however, he isn’t careful on what he he says and frequently makes gaffs that are quite embarrassing.For example, in this latest Camelot audio, he says (around 38 minutes in) that Francis Bacon found the maps that showed the Americas before Columbus and he inspired the voyages of Columbus.What????Bacon was born decades after the death of Columbus.Later he says that Hitler blamed the Reichstag fire on the Poles and used that as an excuse to invade Poland.What??The Reichstag fire was in 1933, was 6 years before the invasion of Poland.  Hitler blamed the Poles for an attack on a radio station in 1939.This guy is fast and loose to say the least.  If he is not a real psychic and he is not a good researcher or effective synthesist, what is he?

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