Attachments :—– Forwarded Message —-From: “codex_fsa@foodstanda…” To: Bob Cc: Stephen.Borg@foodsta…; Bill.Knock@foodstand…: Friday, 3 October, 2008 16:05:19Subject: Re: Codex Alimentarius U.N. Nazi PlanDear Bob,thank you for your email (appended below) of 19 September, raisingquestions about the Codex Alimentarius and whether or not it is a U.N. Naziplan.It may help if I begin by explaining the background to the CodexAlimentarius, and the process by which they elaborate standards andguidelines.The Codex began its existence at the beginning of the 1960’s and itsmembership is restricted to member state Governments. The need for aninternational body tasked with agreeing standards and guidelines for thesafe production of food, should be seen against the background of theincreasing globalisation of the food supply. The Codex is sponsored andfunded wholly by the World Health Organisation, and the Food andAgricultural Organisation (WHO/FAO). International businesses, andnon-governmental organisations, meeting certain criteria are affordedobserver status, and through this are entitled to attend and engage atmeetings. A core principle of Codex, enshrined in its statutes, is thatthere needs to be consensus amongst its members, firstly on the need forany new work, secondly throughout the development of texts, and ultimatelyat the final adoption stage. It is member country Governments that take thelead throughout discussions and negotiations. It is therefore not in anyway a tool for “Big Pharma” or a “Nazi” sympathiser to dictate what peoplemight choose to eat.There is a video doing the rounds on the internet in which a Dr Laibow (USAMD) raises many false concerns about Codex, including that food supplementswill only be available by prescription. The reality of the situation isthat in the UK food supplements are regulated under the EC Food SupplementsDirective (EC 2002/46/EC), which has applied since 2005. The EU Directivesets out requirements for establishing maximum levels of vitamins andminerals in food supplements, however these have not yet been agreed.Proposals from the European Commission in this regard are not expecteduntil early 2009. In relation to Codex, the Guidelines for Vitamin andMineral Food Supplements were published in 2005 . As an active participantin Codex, the Food Standards Agency is not aware of any current work on thepart of Codex to reclassify substances in the way Dr Laibow suggests, orindeed of any further work in the area of food supplements.At the heart of the work of the Codex is the maxim that consumers have aright to expect their food to be safe, of good quality and suitable forconsumption. It follows that the safety and provenance of internationallytraded food is of paramount importance. And this is where Codex plays animportant role, particularly for the lesser developed countries that maylack the necessary infrastructure and expertise to put in place adequatefood safety controls, and management systems. Indeed, many lesserdeveloped countries that previously had no food legislation now base theirlegislation on the adopted Codex texts (Nigeria, Jordan, etc). Dr Laibow’sassertion that the Codex Alimentarius is being implemented in December 2009is somewhat puzzling, since many Codex standards and guidelines havealready been adopted, e.g. the food hygiene texts were adopted in 1997.The reality, for the UK, is that existing legislation is already largelyconsistent with Codex, and in some areas actually goes further.I am enclosing the report of the first ever Codex Alimentarius Commissionmeeting, which was held in Geneva in 1962. I would challenge you to findany evidence of the hand of Fritz ter Meer on the proceedings. Also, themention on Wikipedia that Fritz ter Meer supported the principle ofharmonisation, cannot be used to support the assertion that the UK, andGovernments around the world for that matter, has fallen into some Naziconspiracy to dominate world food supplies and consumer choice.Harmonisation as a principle is supported in many areas outside of food,e.g. general product safety – electrical goods being a prime example.I hope the above reassures you that the aims of Codex are not as youportray, and that Codex is about ensuring the quality, safety andwholesomeness of food sold to the consumer, wherever they might be in theworld.Mike O’NeillEU & International StrategyFood Standards Agency(See attached file: First Codex session 1962.pdf)