From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-01-11 19:57:56
—–Original Message—–From:… […]Sent: 11 January 2009 19:06To: HERACc:…; BBCinfo; BelTelegEd; C4News; EXPNews; EYE; GUARDHOME; HORIZION; INDNews; ITN; MAILNews; Newsnight; OBSNEWS; Panorama;; STNews; SUNED; SunX; TELEGNews; TIMNewsSubject: Sep 11 & the UK Media : Sunday Express ; THE best yet This is not made up Exclusive !! : Front-page headline !! Today’s Sunday Express Stuart Winter, Ace reporter The remains” of the “Sep 11 terrorist hijackers”, Mommie Atta et al – – you know : the Arabs who flew aluminium tubes into the WTC and destroyed 220 storeys/1 million tons steel/concrete in 20 seconds – have been “found in the FBI vaults” !!!!…