From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-01-23 09:59:44
—–Original Message—–From: updates@disclosurepr… [mailto:updates@disclosurepr…]Sent: 23 January 2009 02:43To: updates@disclosurepr…Subject: Dr. Steven Greer’s World Puja Radio Show – January 23, 2009 You are invited to listen to the January 23, 2009 “Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer” program on at 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern. It will then be available in the show archives after that, at… Dr. Greer discusses the possibilities that will be open with the new Obama Adminstration regarding ET Disclosure, contact and new energy systems. The Administration says they are interested in bold action. Dr. Greer urges all listening to contact their representatives and the Obama Administration and give them the Disclosure Project and Orion Project websites so they can see real out-of-the-box solutions. Dr. Greer suggests that President Obama issue an Emancipation Proclamation…freeing the peoples of the world from the slavery of the current economic system. It’s an animated hour with Dr. Greer – excited with the possibilities of 2009. CSETI – www.CSETI.orgDisclosure Project – www.DisclosureProjec… Note: If you wish to be removed from this email list, please reply to this email and put UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line or body.