Date: 2009-03-06 14:55:08
Hi Andrew, Important considerations and questions: Are the wars orchestrated by Powers That Be (PTB) to divide and conquer people who could be one. Why do these people so readily participate in wars. Scarcity? If they have energy we will have less and choke to death on polluted air sooner. Why do the PTB and their agents suppress free energy technology like… If others use three times as much energy as they need to use and we choose to use only twice as much energy as we need even though the energy is free to us and all we and the others “can still get along.” Since consumption of free energy is non-polluting we certainly will not go to war over the difference in our energy consumption. Where there is no scarcity in energy and energy is free equity is improved. In Peace, Love, and Justice, Frank —–Original Message—– From: Andrew Johnson