Date: 2009-03-21 18:52:58
The United States Isn’t a Country – It’s a Corporation! – by Lisa Guliani from first downloadable for fee issue. In a message dated 3/20/2009 5:11:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ad.johnson@ntlworld…. writes: —–Original Message—–From: Andrew Cheetham [mailto:mailkeystone@]Sent: 17 March 2009 19:16To: mailkeystone@ aol.comSubject: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 2 out now and subscriptionsavailableThe Second issue of the Dot Connector magazine is out!As the first, it is FREE and can be downloaded HERE.www.thedotconnector .orgIt is also the last issue in downloadable PDF format. Yes, starting from thenext issue #3, the Dot Connector magazine becomes “printed press” withinternational distribution by subscription! This was our intitial plan, and thisis what nine of every ten readers of our premier issue asked us about in theire-mails.We want to thank everybody for the incredible feedback we have already receivedand keep on receiving: 100 percent positive — we couldn’t imagine it in ourbest dreams!Today we present you our second issue, which is also the second argument and aninvitation to subscribe to the printed edition. But attention, to startreceiving the magazine from issue 3 (May-June 2009), you should subscribe beforethe 15th of April.But don’t wait long as Issue Three is a limited edition of only 2,000 printedcopies The first hundred subscribers get 2 yrs subscription for the price of one soyou better hurry!Not much time left, we know, so please download and read the two PDF editions,and make you decision. You will see, issue 2 is already stronger than issue 1,and this trend will continue with every following issue!We also invite you to spread the word of this new publication brought to lightby the Truthers and for the Truthers all around our troubled world. If you havea website or a blog, or if you participate in discussion forums, copy one of thebanners below, or the text link, and make a good use of them!The Matrix wins because it acts, and we usually only re-act. This way we arecondemned to always lose!So, don’t react — act!Don’t destroy — create!The Dot Connector magazineSUBSCRIBE TODAY!www.thedotconnector .orgNo virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG – Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.11.16/2006 – Release Date: 03/17/09 07:23:00 A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!