Steve Williams’ Parish Election Campaign

Steve is standing for Morecambe Parish Council and is bravely "raising the bar" by covering and mentioning some of the real issues facing us.

Image and text and PDF below (some errors may have been introduced in the conversion process – these are Andrew Johnson’s not Steve Williams’)


THURS 4 t h JUNE 2009



As a customer of Lancaster City Council am fed up with the consistent practice of imposing inflation busting council

tax rises (over 10% this year), cuts in services and a disregard for public accountability.

Like the 10% who signed the petition for a new Town council (led by Evelyn Archer and the MBI party) I welcomed this as I understood

there would be no additional cost to my City Council tax and that it was a total break away for Morecambe from the Lancaster City

Council administration.

‘ I did not want another revenue collecting tier of local government.

‘ The Morecambe Town Council will have the power to demand whatever precept payment it deems necessary. There is no capping

protection in place and its operations are not subject to regulation by the Local Government Ombudsman.

> Based on a consistent ignorant response from City Councilors standing (Archer, Kerr, Dennison. Plumb and Marsland), concerning issues of

public accountability over the last twelve months I do not trust them to put ratepayers interests first.

I support sustainable regeneration projects for Morecambe. Projects which will not be a future financial burden for Morecambe ratepayers

I support the regeneration of the Wintergardens, but there must be a viable business plan in place and the financial risk of failure must be taken by its owners, not local ratepayers

I support public/private sector partnerships of regeneration, provided that public assets are not given away to the private sector without

a fair return for local ratepayers;


At the first meeting of the Morecambe Town/Parish Council I will propose and support:-

• that the Council is terminated on.the grounds that those who signed the petition were misled..

• that any annual increase in the Morecambe Town Council precept (the amount collected from Morecambe ratepayers by Lancaster City

that Morecambe Town Council issue a request to Lancaster City Council for a refund to Morecambe ratepayers for the services which

are now the responsibility of Morecambe Town/Parish Council and have been charged for on this years council tax bill twice,

f more than one of the above fail I will resign.



moted by: The Whole Truth Coalition, on behalf of Steven Williams, 61 Michaelson Ave, LA4 6SF

Printed by Print Impressions, Morecambe LA4 4BJ

My l e t t e r submitted on 17th May t o the local press:-

"Mr Butcher (Morecambe Visitor Viewpoint 13/5/09) advises: "spoil your ballot papers" concerning the forthcoming Morecambe

Town Council elections.

The Returning O f f i c e r does not list the comments nor the quantity of ballot papers associated with each comment. The inevitable

result if you do cast a "none of the above" vote, is that the candidates who maintain the status quo get elected.

The only rational democratic reason f o r not voting is i f none of the candidates are standing f o r what you wish f o r or i f there Is

evidence which shows their inability to put ‘people before politics’ as the MBIs, a registered political party, claim to do.

I would support a Morecambe Town Council which represents honesty, public accountability and i ts customers but not an

additional t i e r of local government which provides another revenue collecting stream f o r the authorities and an opportunity for

the City Council to be less productive yet maintain their present level of funding f r om Morecambe ratepayers.

Compare your Council Tax bill f o r 2008/09 and 2009/10. The City Council, non parished area special expenses/Morecambe Town

council portions and their combined total have increased by 10.49%, 22.48% and 11.52% respectively. The Morecambe Town Council

will be responsible f o r services which in 2008/09 were carried out by the City Council. So where is the reduction on your 2009/10

bill in t he City Council portion?

My concerns are supported by nine City Councillors. At last Decembers Full Council meeting they supported an emendment to defer

the setting up of Morecambe Town Council until 1st April 2011, to allow time f o r a working group to fully consider and establish how

i t would work (re: Minute 87) Of the fourteen City councillors standing f o r the Morecambe Town Council:- Archer, Ashworth,

Barnes, Burns, Day, Dennison, Hanson, David Kerr, Geoff Knight, Langhorn, Marsland, Plumb and Wade voted against this.

I f you were to vote ‘NO’ the most e f f e c t i ve way is to ONLY vote f o r candidates, like me, who will provide a w r i t t en pledge to

support a NO vote i f elected.

A step out of the mainstream media and the illusion www.wholetruthcoalit…



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