Re: Yorkshire Evening Post – Article on Exopolitics Conference and S

From: David Griffin

Date: 2009-06-28 17:35:05

Great…!Would have been even greater a day earlier. :)DG On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Andrew Johnson wrote: www.yorkshireevening…   ‘Alien skull’ star attraction at Leeds extra-terrestrial conference Lloyd Pye with a replica of the Starchild skull which he is bringing to the Leeds Exopolitics Expo this weekend PICTURE: MARK   Published Date: 27 June 2009 By Aisha Iqbal IT’s life, Leeds, but not as we know it. In fact it could even be a case for Mulder and Skull-y! This 900-year-old ‘alien-human’ skull is the star attraction at an intergalactic conference being held at Leeds Metropolitan University on Saturday.But the gathering of all things extra-terrestrial – organised by the Whole Truth Coalition – is far removed from the marauding space beings and mutant monsters of The X Files and Star Trek.The Leeds Exopolitics Expo aims to smash the cover-ups and “change government policy toward extraterrestrial related phenomena”.Scientists, researchers and alien conspiracy theorists will get together for a series of lectures to prove that the truth is out there – and now it’s arrived in Yorkshire.American researcher Lloyd Pye has dedicated his working life to the ‘Starchild’ skull – which he believes is an alien-human hybrid and absolute proof of the presence of extra-terrestrial beings on Earth even hundreds of years ago.After a European tour, he will now bring his exact replica of the skull to Leeds and will deliver a detailed lecture on its history and significance.”There is nothing like seeing cold, hard, scientific proof before one’s own eyes, and that is precisely what will happen in Leeds,” Mr Pye said.”It has recently happened in Italy, Spain, Poland, and Romania.”When it comes to alien existence, science demands irrefutable, unbiased, fact-based data.”The Starchild skull provides that in more than ample amounts, and in a manner that leaves audiences stunned and delighted to be made aware of such an important endeavour unfolding before their eyes.”The story of the ‘Starchild Enigma’ began in the 1930s with the accidental discovery of an unusual skull in a long-abandoned mine in Mexico.It looked only “vaguely human” and had elements “unknown in any other bone of any kind existing on planet Earth”.It has continued to be the subject of massive amounts of research.As well as the Starchild skull, the myth-smashing menu at the Exopolitics Expo will include lectures on UFOs and the National Security State, and an ‘exposé’ of the ‘MoD UFO files and the Milton Torres Sighting’.Speakers include Nick Pope, a former senior executive officer with the Ministry of Defence who investigated the UFO issue.The Leeds Exopolitics Expo is the first in what is hoped will become an annual alien-themed gathering in the city.A spokesman said the international event was “an integral part of a growing advocacy movement aiming to change government policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena.”Since the early 1950s the United States has led a ‘truth embargo’ on any formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.”Many nations including the United Kingdom are now breaking with this policy and are releasing thousands of classified and previously withheld UFO/ET related files.”The event is open to the public and visitors can register at Leeds Met.Go to the university’s Leslie Silver Building in the Civic Quarter campus or call 07733 32384 or visit for details. Are you interested in what’s really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then…www.checktheevidence… happened on 9/11?    

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