Date: 2009-07-12 11:28:27
Following was mentioned in German TV in “Kontraste” last week. The kombination of Roundup and tensids induces apoptosis in human embryonic cell lines, in this way many chronic diseases could be induced in humans. This reminds me of the action of Lindan (which is selectively killing human stem cells leading to cancer, atherosclerosis etc. years after). Since 10 years roundup is widely used for instance 14 days before harvesting wheat to remove green plants between the wheat ears. I suppose it can be found in most of your daily bread now.… “Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Molekularbiologe, Universität Caen Wenn man Roundup 100.000-fach verdünnt aufbringt, also ein geringe Dosis, dann wird in den Zellen ein Prozess in Gang gesetzt, der zu einem Selbstmord der Zellen führt. Es handelt sich hierbei um menschliche Zellen von Embryonen. Was bedeutet das für den Menschen? Das könnte der Beginn chronischer Krankheiten sein wie Krebs, Nervenkrankheiten und Fortpflanzungsstörungen. ”… 1: Toxicology. 2009 Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print] Links Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. Gasnier C, Dumont C, Benachour N, Clair E, Chagnon MC, Séralini GE. University of Caen, Institute of Biology, Lab. Biochemistry EA2608, Esplanade de la Paix, 14032 Caen cedex, France. Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most widely used across the world; they are commercialized in different formulations. Their residues are frequent pollutants in the environment. In addition, these herbicides are spread on most eaten transgenic plants, modified to tolerate high levels of these compounds in their cells. Up to 400ppm of their residues are accepted in some feed. We exposed human liver HepG2 cells, a well-known model to study xenobiotic toxicity, to four different formulations and to glyphosate, which is usually tested alone in chronic in vivo regulatory studies. We measured cytotoxicity with three assays (Alamar Blue((R)), MTT, ToxiLight((R))), plus genotoxicity (comet assay), anti-estrogenic (on ERalpha, ERbeta) and anti-androgenic effects (on AR) using gene reporter tests. We also checked androgen to estrogen conversion by aromatase activity and mRNA. All parameters were disrupted at sub-agricultural doses with all formulations within 24h. These effects were more dependent on the formulation than on the glyphosate concentration. First, we observed a human cell endocrine disruption from 0.5ppm on the androgen receptor in MDA-MB453-kb2 cells for the most active formulation (R400), then from 2ppm the transcriptional activities on both estrogen receptors were also inhibited on HepG2. Aromatase transcription and activity were disrupted from 10ppm. Cytotoxic effects started at 10ppm with Alamar Blue assay (the most sensitive), and DNA damages at 5ppm. A real cell impact of glyphosate-based herbicides residues in food, feed or in the environment has thus to be considered, and their classifications as carcinogens/mutagens/reprotoxics is discussed. PMID: 19539684 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]