From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-08-08 20:24:10
Here is a thread of correspondence with regard to mandatory vaccination – which includes points from Jane Burgermeister and others. I think it boils down to “who will enforce mandatory vaccination” and “who will decide when they think it is necessary”? These questions cannot easily be answered, it seems. Penny is right. We must declare some victory on this Dr Fauci statement publicly made on CSPAN, America’s largest government run congressional TV news channel.Penny as for the “UN Human Rights Covenants”, yes we still have the task of picking those out, holding them up to show how foolish and unconstitutional they are, and having them amended. That can be done with civil lawsuits like the one I filed in federal court. We do have a powerful victory as of yesterday, and it is a good one.On August 7, 2009 Dr. Fauci, director of the NIAID, publicly stated “‘THERE WILL BE NO FORCED FLU VACCINATIONS”This is a strong victory, gaining momentum in the people’s favor 🙂 🙂 :)The preliminary injunction I filed in US District court also seeks to order the federal govt to make sure a person who refuses the flu vaccine is not discriminated against or denied any services or similar. See, thats one way the forced vaccinations have been occurring, by telling people “Well you aren’t forced to take the vaccine, but if you refuse it then you cannot attend school” or something similar.The injunction I presented to the court, if ruled on favorably, will prevent this from happening. :)This preliminary injunction can be seen here www.safetylawsuits.c… Rules of Civil On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 7:15 AM, Penny Bright