From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-08-12 09:34:05
12 August 2009 TIME TO ‘SEIZE THE MOMENT’! (Thanks David for alerting us to this one!) Hi folks! HUGE $WINE FLU CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN WASHINGTON 19-21 AUGUST!! Conference: International Swine Flu Conference Dates, Conference: August 19-20, 2009 Date, Workshop: August 21, 2009 Venue: Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill 400 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C., USA 20001 I SUGGEST WE HAVE SOME PEOPLE REGISTERED TO ATTEND! Also -a PEACEFUL protest outside – drawing attention to the $WINE FLU SCAM (happening INSIDE) – would be BRILLIANT! TAKE ‘THE DEBATE’ TO THEM! Imagine how powerful that would be – having some of OUR people exposing the $WINE FLU SCAM – inside their own Conference! It’s expensive to register – but I reckon it would be an INVESTMENT! Have a handout with a series of HARD QUESTIONS to distribute to attendees (and media)! Presumably there will be media coverage. The thing would be to have independent media there to cover it – get it up on you tube etc. Asking the HARD QUESTIONS from ‘inside the tent’ can be VERY powerful! WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK????? Penny… August 10, 2009 Government Prepares for “unwillingness to follow government orders” Posted by Karen De Coster on August 10, 2009 08:47 AM The International Swine Flu Conference is being held in Washington D.C. next week, just two weeks after the conference on weight control that I wrote about last week. Here’s a summary of it: Top leaders and key decision-makers of major companies representing a broad range of industries will meet with distinguished scientists, public health officials, law enforcers, first responders, and other experts to discuss pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery at the 1st International Swine Flu Summit. Read the agenda for the breakout sessions, especially the session on “psychological issues” (Session #2) and the topic heading: “Unwillingness to follow government orders.” Also note session #6, which includes “Control and diffuse social unrest & public disorder” and “Isolate prisons and other facilities.” __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4326 (20090811) __________The message was checked by ESET Smart International Swine Flu Conference Conference: August 19-20, 2009 Workshop: August 21, 2009 Washington, DC
Show you care. Meet your planning deadlines. Engage staff & suppliers and learn how to work with community, state &
federal agencies to survive & recover from a pandemic.
Top leaders and key decision-makers of major companies representing a broad range of industries will meet with distinguished scientists, public health offi cials, law enforcers, fi rst responders, and other experts to discuss pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery at the 1st International Swine Flu Summit. At the summit, attendees will be able to draw on fi rst-hand best practices to create the solid business continuity plans that their companies and organizations need in order to prepare for, respond to, and survive a pandemic. The summit draws on the success of the seven previous Bird Flu summits which featured as speakers several distinguished personalities such as Dr. David Nabarro, the United Nations Coordinator for Avian and Human Infl uenza, Alex Thiermann of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and Dr. Wenqing Zhang of the WHO Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response. Well-known emergency responders, heads of hospitals from around the world, and hog/swine industry leaders will speak in this summit. Know How To Respond Recognize problems earlier. Make the right decision faster. How to Plan Make everyone a stakeholder. Spell out roles and responsibilities Plan To Continue Maintain cash fl ow and work fl ow. Keep the learning process alive. Protect Your Community Know your resources. Test them against your toughest scenarios. Mass Fatality Management Planning Country Report & Situations Update Surveillance and Data Management Preparing Communities Strategies; Local Partnership and Participation Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication National Pandemic Infl uenza Medical Countermeasure Socio-Economic Impact on Hog/Swine Industry Benefi t-Risk Assessment: Public Health, Industry and Regulatory Perspectives Prevention Education Efforts and Risk Communication Command, Control and Management Emergency Response Management Business-Based Planning School-Based Planning Community-Based Planning Topics Include Allocate resources to protect your employees & customers during a pandemic Find out which business risks are insured Ensure safe travel during the pandemic Identify when to reduce or even close operations Concurrent Breakout Session #1 Mass Fatality Management Planning Concurrent Breakout Session #4 When 50% or more of employees are out sick or taking care of their sick ones When H1N1 fl u pandemic unfold in two or three successive waves in a calendar year Disruptions to public, private and critical infrastructure undermining your essentials functions Concurrent Breakout Session #3 Business Continuity Planning Develop and maintain plans, procedures, programs, and systems Develop and implement training and exercise programs Direct fatality management tactical operations Activate fatality management operations Conduct morgue operations Manage ante-mortem data Conduct fi nal disposition Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Continuity of Government Planning Concurrent Breakout Session #5 Emergency Management Services Prioritize antivirals & personal protective equipment for essential workforce Overcome reduced response capacity caused by mechanical failure & a possible 30-40 percent drop in staff, to maintain continuous operations
Very high quality papers & presentations.
A very good overview of different kinds
of information – a lot of knowledge.
Koos van der Velden
Chairman European Infl uenza Surveillance Scheme
“ “
Public’s distress of exposure and safety Breakdown of public services, utilities Medical supplies shortage Unwillingness to follow government orders Concurrent Breakout Session #2 Psychological Issues IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSwwiinnee FFlluu CCoonnffeerreennccee Register Now! Call: 202.536.5000 Email: sales@new-fi Website: Dr. Mary Klote, Clinical Laboratory Immunologist Walter Reed Army Medical Center 4th International Bird Flu Summit, March 2007, Washington, DC Concurrent Breakout Sessions to choose from… Breakout 1: Mass Fatality Management Planning Breakout 2: Psychological Issues Breakout 3: Business Continuity Planning Breakout 4: Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Continuity
of Government Planning
Breakout 5: Emergency Management Services Breakout 6: Law Enforcement Agencies Breakout 7: First Responders: Fire Department Breakout 8: First Responders: Public Works Breakout 9: 911 Call Center Services Breakout 10: Hospital and Emergency Medical Services Breakout 11: Workplace Planning Breakout 12: School/University Pandemic Planning Breakout 13: Airlines, Travel, Airport, Quarantine and
Border Health Services
Breakout 14: Infectious Medical Waste Breakout 15: Swine Flu: Agriculture Perspective & Interventions and many more…. Conference: August 19-20, 2009 Workshop: August 21, 2009 Washington, DC For more info please visit
ISFC Concurrent Breakout Session #6 Law Enforcement Agencies Protect police forces from falling ill & from being hurt in civil disturbances Protect the delivery of vaccines & essential goods & services. Manage a surge in crime & meet routine requests at the same time Control & diffuse social unrest & public disorder Isolate prisons & other facilities Concurrent Breakout Session #8 First Responders: Public Works Concurrent Breakout Session #9 911 Call Center Services Concurrent Breakout Session #7 First Responders: Fire Department Protect fi re department fi rst responders from falling ill & from being hurt in civil disturbances Continue to respond to routine fi re outbreaks while responding to pandemic-related calls Effectively transition into All-Hazards Incident Management Responders Effectively undertake mass vaccinations Enforce quarantines Protect public works fi rst responders from falling ill or being hurt i n civil disturbances C ontrol traffi c, evacuation & mass transportation Ensure the minimal delivery of clean water & sanitation services Ensure the stability of vital communications networks Overcome an overwhelmed telecommunications network caused by a surge in telework employees, homebound calls, & the increased search for public services E ffectively manage the 911 call center during the crisis D evelop call center surge capacity S ecure call center operations A nticipate technical problems Ensure that frequent, honest & reliable information is released to the public Concurrent Breakout Session #10 Hospital and Emergency Medical Services Prioritize the use of antivirals for the essential workforce Anticipate interruptions in food, fuel and essentials supply chains & establish stockpiles Plan for reduced response capacity due to mechanical failure & lack of personnel Maintain continuous operations during a pandemic Plan for 30-40 percent drop in labor force Protect the emergency operations center Concurrent Breakout Session #11 Workplace Planning Effectively work with 30-40 percent less employees. Account for your employees. Establish remote offi ces & fl exible work plans; identify the business functions that can be outsourced. Secure your workplaces. Train your workers to screen for symptoms & know what to do when workers fall ill. Protect the emergency management response operations center Manage interruptions in food, fuel & essentials supply chains & establish stockpiles Manage panic caused by sudden disruption of services & interruptions in essential goods & services IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSwwiinnee FFlluu CCoonnffeerreennccee Register Now! Call: 202.536.5000 Email: sales@new-fi Website: Decision Making Authority Of attendees make the Final Decision Of attendees make the Recommendations tot he fi nal decision maker 30 % 35 % * * Based on the 7th Bird Flu Conference Top Five Reasons to Attend the Summit Gain a broad bird’s eye view of the global swine fl u situation. Get the freshest updates from hard-to-reach country experts. Learn how your company / organization can prepare for a pandemic. Establish contacts with key local, federal and international agencies involved in the fi ght against swine fl u. Draw on fi rst hand best practices from top companies to create solid business continuity plans. Dr. Marsha Davenpont, Medical Offi cer and Epidemiologist, United States Public Health Service 4th International Bird Flu Summit, March 2007, Washington, DC This is the place where you can ask the tough questions to doctors who have treated some of the fatal human cases of swine fl u. FACT CEO/VP/COO/R&D Director Chief Epidemiology/Medical Offi cer/Doctor Commanding Offi cer/Rescue Services Emergency Management Services Director/Chief Risk Offi cer/Senior Pandemic Offi cer Global Sales/Marketing Manager/Food Safety Senior Government Offi cials Health Minister & Hospital Heads/ Public Health Director Senior Manager/Director of Business Continuity Planning 13% 20% 21% 15% 2% 9% 14% 6%
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