From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-09-05 16:04:48
For those that would like a change to hear Steve Bassett…. Here are some dates in Europe! —–Original Message—– From: Facebook [mailto:notification+axg5sgg…] Sent: 05 September 2009 06:56 To: Andrew Johnson Subject: Exopolitics World Network (EWN) & United States Network (EUSN) sent you a message on Facebook… Steve Bassett sent a message to the members of Exopolitics World Network (EWN) & United States Network (EUSN). ——————– Subject: Paradigm Research Group Europe Speaking Tour Schedule PRG executive director Stephen Bassett’s speaking schedule in Euriope is mostly set and shown below. Known speaking dates are shown in brackets [ ]. Some events have public venues, i.e. conferences, and have websites. Others are in private homes. Contacts for each event are provided. Further updates will follow shortly. Europe is playing an increasingly active role in the Disclosure process and interest in the UFO/ET issue and exopolitics in general is growing rapidly. The speaking tour has four basic goals: 1) learn more about what Europeans think about the UFO/ET issue, 2) increase awareness of the Disclosure process underway in the United States, 3) bring new country websites into the Exopolitics World Network, and 4) find new support for the advocacy work ahead. Liverpool, UK – Sept. 11, [12], 13, 14 Beyond Knowledge Conference See:; Contact: david@exopolitics.or… Bath, UK – Sept. 14-16 Contact: PRG@paradigmresearch… Devon, UK – Sept. [16], 17, 18 Boniface Center, Church of the Holy Cross, Crediton, UK 6-9 pm Contact: London, UK – Sept. [18], 19, 20, 21 Contact: b.mckenzie@btinterne… Birmingham, UK – Sept. [21], 22 Birmingham UFO Group Contact:;bufogcontactus.blogs… London, UK – Sept. 22, 23, 24 Contact: PRG@paradigmresearch… Helsinki, Finland – Sept. 24, 25, [26], [27], 28 FUFORA Event – Orivesi;… Contact: Stockholm, Sweden – Sept. 28, 29, 30 Contact: Oslo, Norway – Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2 Contact: Berlin, Germany – Oct. 2, [3], 4 Contact: koordinator@exopolit… Copenhagen, Denmark – Oct. 4, 5, [6], 7, 8 Lykkesholm Allé 15, Frederiksberg, 7-11 pm Contact: frederik.uldall@hotm… Brussels, Belgium – Oct. 8, [9], [10] Informal Talk (9th) Contacts: vincentdeprez@hotmai… Ground Crew Conference (10th) Hulst, Netherlands – Oct. 10, [11], 12 FourthSence Conference; Contact: Zurich, Switzerland – Oct. 12, 13, 14 Contact: Rennes, France – 14, 15, 16 Contact: Saint-Pierre-en-Port, France – Oct. 16, 17, 18 Contact: euroclippers@yahoo.f… Paris, France – Oct. [18], 19, 20;www.espacesaintmarti… 2-6 pm Contact: ——————– To reply to this message, follow the link below:… G351ac06eG0G0 ___ This message was intended for ad.johnson@ntlworld….. Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook? Go to:… 3NTIzO3Q9MTIyMTE2MjYxMzM5MDt0bz04OTA5NDU2NDY=&mid=10bfaaaG351ac06eG0G0 Facebook’s offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG – Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.75/2340 – Release Date: 09/05/09 05:51:00