Date: 2009-09-26 14:18:35
In a message dated 9/26/2009 4:53:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ad.johnson@ntlworld…. writes: —–Original Message—–From: Irish Friends Vote NO For Me! [mailto:info@no-means-]Sent: 25 September 2009 23:28To: Andrew JohnsonSubject: NO MEANS NO! Yes to Europe! No to the Lisbon Treaty!Dear friends & supporters,we get in touch with you again because you signed the petition “Irishfriends vote no for me” last year.Unfortunately, the Irish government and the EU did not respect the Irishvote against the Lisbon treaty. Instead, the Irish people should vote again”in the right way” now on October 2nd 2009.In order to convince the Irish electorate to vote Yes, their own governmentand the EU Council have made – legally non-binding – promises regardingneutrality, their own EU commissioner, tax law and abortion. However, theywill be voting a second time on exactly the same treaty as before.In our view, it is just as undemocratic to have an electorate vote on thesame issue twice as it is to simply ignore the three previous plebiscites.That´s why we launched a new campaign website for a peaceful, social,ecological and democratic means-no. euPlease, have a look at our website, sign the new petition and spread theinfo! Help us to stop this undemocratic treaty!Attached you´ll find a web banner which can be freely used to promote ourcampain. Thanks again for your support!Yours faithfully,Paula Polak, Christian Felber & Stephan SiberNO MEANS NO! means-no. euNo virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG – www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.112/2391 – Release Date: 09/25/0917:52:00