From: Margaret S
Date: 2009-09-28 23:15:13
I signed an ePetition some weeks ago. I got the reply as below this morning. Maggie. You signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to “Ban the use of swine flu vaccinations due to the fact the vaccinations contain a man made weaponized swine flu virus which will cause death or serious injury to members of the public.” The Prime Minister’s Office has responded to that petition and you can view it here:… Prime Minister’s Office Petition information – petitions.number10.g… If you would like to opt out of receiving further mail on this or any other petitions you signed, please email…. *************************** Communicate * Ask the PM *
from the PM * e-Petitions * Petition Responses Monday 28 September 2009 Noswinevaccine – epetition response We received a petition asking: “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to ban the use of swine flu vaccinations due to the fact the vaccinations contain a man made weaponized swine flu virus which will cause death or serious injury to members of the public.” Details of Petition: “the swine flu outbreak from mexico was not an accident it was an act of bioterrorism. charges have already been filled against the w.h.o. and u.n. and other groups and people with the fbi in austria by jane burgermeister. the swine flu virus is a man made bioweapon. the vaccines produced which are claimed to give immunity to the swine flu will not do so and in fact will result in massive loss of life. the 1918 spanish flu was also spread deliberately by vaccines and killed at least 20 million. this new man made swine flu virus is actually based on the 1918 spanish flu and contains human, bird and swine flu never before seen any where in the world. the government must cease and desist from the course of action which will result in the genocide of the population from vaccines containing swine flu weaponized virus.” · Read the petition · Petitions homepage Read the Government’s response Thank you for your e-petition. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has strict processes in place for licensing pandemic vaccines. In preparing for a pandemic, appropriate trials to assess safety and the immune responses have been carried out on vaccines very similar to the swine flu vaccine. The vaccines have been shown to have a good safety profile. No decision has been taken to embark on a mass vaccination campaign, but any vaccination against swine flu would not be compulsory. Everyone has a right to refuse the swine flu vaccination, or any other vaccination. Where a child is too young to consent themselves to being vaccinated, the right to decide rests with the person with parental responsibility. There was no vaccine available to protect against the 1918/19 Spanish flu. However, the UK will be in the fortunate position of being able to offer protection to those most at risk from swine flu once the vaccine becomes available. People should be reassured that so far the virus is generally mild in most cases. However, it is proving more serious in some cases and sadly a small number of people have died. The World Health Organisation (WHO) advice is that serious cases should be treated immediately. The UK is one of the best-prepared countries in the world when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. We have a large stockpile of antivirals, and the vaccine is in the process of being licensed. NHS organisations have plans in place to cope with the effects of a pandemic. The Government will continue to take the best independent scientific advice to inform our decisions on vaccination issues. Further Information · Sign up to our newsletter service Tags: pandemic, swine flu, vaccination Share this: delicious logodelicious digg logodigg facebook logofacebook ********************************************** — In Cognoscence@yahoogro…, “Andrew Johnson”