FW: Unearthed Files Include “Rules” for Mass Mind Control Campaign

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2009-12-30 15:26:19

The document mentioned is posted publicly online, as well as being the Hadley CRU “ClimateGate” file. It’s only 5 pages long (large print) and makes for interesting reading, considering it seems to have been used in the development of public policy. From: Kathy Roberts [mailto:weerkhr@pacbell.net] Sent: 30 December 2009 00:59To: Undisclosed-Recipient: ;@smtp128.sbc.mail.sp1.yahoo.comSubject: Unearthed Files Include “Rules” for Mass Mind Control Campaign barbaradiamond.blogs…   Thursday, November 26, 2009 Unearthed Files Include “Rules” for Mass Mind Control Campaign by Jurriaan Maessen Hacked into by a person or persons unknown, the unearthed material out of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit’s main server reveals a 62 megabyte zip file confirming that which was already blatantly obvious, namely that the data has been fudged to convince unsuspecting audiences that ‘the debate is over’. The intruded central computer was not only filled to the brim with obvious and attempted ostracizing of scientists who don’t blindly follow the leader, the files also reveal that the folks of the IPCC made use or considered making use of a disinformation campaign through a ‘communication agency’ called Futerra. The agency describes itself as “the sustainability communications agency” and serves such global players as Shell, Microsoft, BBC, the UN Environment Programme, the UK government and the list goes on. The co-founder of Futerra, Ed Gillespie explains: “For brands to succeed in this new world order, they will have to become eco, ethical and wellness champions.” The document included within the climategate treasure-chest is called ‘ Rules of the Game’ and shows deliberate deception on the part of this agency to ensure that the debate would indeed be perceived as being settled. When facts do not convince, they reasoned, let us appeal to emotions in order to get the job done. Outlining the ‘rules of the game’ in regards to climate change communication strategies, Futerra considers these rules as a “first step to using sophisticated behaviour change modelling and comprehensive evidence from around the world to change attitudes towards climate change.” “We need to think radically”, proclaim the authors, “and the Rules of the Game are a sign that future campaigns will not be “business as usual.””First Rule as outlined by Futerra is called “Blowing away Myths”. Pressing the point that any company wishing to sell global warming must be cautious in using the fear-card: “Fear can create apathy if individuals have no ‘agency’ to act upon the threat. Use fear with great caution.”Arrogantly stating to “Forget the climate change detractors”, the document goes on to say that “Those who deny climate change science are irritating, but unimportant.” Futerra also stresses that “There is no ‘rational man’” and “Information can’t work alone.” Posted by Barbara Diamond at 10:27 AM     www.futerra.co.uk/  No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG – www.avg.comVersion: 9.0.722 / Virus Database: 270.14.117/2582 – Release Date: 12/30/09 07:27:00

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