From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-01-26 20:18:24
WHO PLANS TO GIVE HAITIANS CONTROVERSIAL VACCINATIONS Tuesday, 26 January 2010 16:06 The… The million people in Haiti made homeless by an earthquake that hit the island two weeks ago could be among the first to receive controversial vaccinations under a campaign organised by WHO. According to a document published by WHO called „Public health risk assessment and interventions: Earthquake: Haiti“, the UN health agency is strongly recommending that people in Haiti receive vaccinations against tetanus, measles, diphtheria, polio and pertussis in spite of the controversy surrounding these vaccines. Jagoda Savic this week filed charges at a state prosecutor’s offic in Bosnia Herzegovina against WHO presenting evidence that WHO had helped conceal the damage caused by a CSL vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis distributed for free by UNICEF. Savic presented evidence that 117 children suffered severe side effects.… The WHO document also states that the swine flu poses a risk to the people of Haiti, suggesting the people of Haiti will be given the untested and toxic swine flu jab. The WHO document is supposed to „provide health professionals in United Nations agencies, nongovernmental organizations, donor agencies and local authorities currently working with populations affected by the post-earthquake emergency, with up-to-date technical guidance on the major public health threats faced by the earthquake-affected population.“ This is an excerpt: “2.4 Vaccine-preventable diseases and routine immunization coverage Tetanus has a high case-fatality rate of 70–100% without medical treatment and is globally underreported. The incubation period is usually three to 21 days. A shorter incubation period is associated with severe disease and a worse prognosis. Reports from the national authorities, WHO and UNICEF indicate a 53% diphtheria-
tetanus-pertussis, 3rd dose (DTP3) coverage (2007) among one-year-old children in Haiti. Appropriate management of injured survivors should be implemented as soon as possible to minimize future disability and to avert avoidable death following the earthquake. All wounds and injuries should be scrutinized, as Clostridium tetani spores that are present in the soil can infect trivial, unnoticed wounds, lacerations and burns. Health-care workers operating in disaster settings should be alerted by the occurrence of cases of dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) and trismus (“lockjaw” or tonic contraction of jaw muscles), often the first symptoms of the disease. Patients should systematically receive prophylactic antibiotics and tetanus toxoid vaccine if non-immune, together with tetanus immune globulin if the wound is tetanus-prone. (See sections 3.1 Case management and 3.3 Immunization; for additional information, see section 4, Tetanus; Wounds and injuries.) Measles, diphtheria, pertussis and polio. In populations with low vaccination coverage, the crowding associated with displacement may increase the risk of outbreaks from measles, pertussis, and diphtheria. Measles infection has not been confirmed in Haiti since 2001.” (Emphais added-REC)