From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-02-09 19:29:06
Sorry if you already received a copy of this… From: Lloyd Pye Updates [] Sent: 09 February 2010 03:47To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Starchild Undergoing New DNA Test!!! Magic Man!!! In my last message I related that a topnotch molecular biology professional (geneticist) had informed me he was interested in helping to determine the truth about the Starchild’s genetic heritage. Over this past weekend I visited with him to get to know him, and to discuss what could be done in his facility using his equipment. By now I’ve been in several genetics labs, and this facility was the best I’ve yet seen. All it lacks is a 454 machine, which produces 500 million (out of 3 billion!) bases of high-quality sequence per run. He has formally requested that one of those half-million-dollar machines should be acquired by the research facility where he works, and in a few months they may well have it. For now, though, he does his testing the old-fashioned labor-intensive way. Who is he and where does he work? Sorry, but for now I have to keep that to myself. If he takes on the Starchild analysis, he has to be certain he’s on solid technical ground before he announces that he’s involved with something so controversial. In his lab he operates on his own authority, which explains why he can undertake preliminary research right away. However, he can’t bring any unnecessary publicity to his employers until he knows he can produce a result of genuine importance. If it starts to look like the Starchild is what we all think it is, then he will definitely announce himself and put the subsequent work on his lab’s “official” record. (This tentative initial arrangement is common with mainstream scientists working on something as potentially volatile as the Starchild.) After touring his lab and being immensely impressed by it and by him, I decided to once again shove all our chips out on the table and roll the dice. We are now facing another of the many “make or break” moments the Starchild Project has endured in the past 11 years. (My anniversary for first seeing it will be the 18th of this month!). I handed over the detached piece of maxilla (the upper right jaw). He gave it an elaborate cleaning ritual in an especially sterile cleaning chamber. After removing as much human contamination as possible, he proceeded to file the bone at the edge of the roof of the mouth. Soon it was abraded away to reveal cancellous holes (in life those are where bone marrow is created and stored). Lining them was a thin layer of what looked like black material. Don’t confuse this with the red residue in the cancellous holes of the bone in the skull. This was different. We assume it is desiccated bone marrow, which should be abundant with actual cells from the Starchild. If that is the case, our geneticist should be able to recover some of the Starchild’s DNA from those cells. For as difficult as that might be, that’s not the hard part. What he expects, and rightly so, is that most of the DNA he finds will be human. Chimps and humans share about 97% the same DNA, and we anticipate the Starchild will differ from a human by no more than a chimp does, and very likely much less. But this percentage difference can only be determined when averaged over the entire genome. Specific differences in individual genes could be much more drastic and therefore more noticeable, all the way up to complete uniqueness. So this is what we need to determine precisely: How different is the Starchild’s DNA package from a human’s DNA package? He continued filing the roof of the mouth until it was gone, providing 400 mg of very fine powder. That powder will be divided into samples he will test in various ways that were not available to our geneticists during our last round of DNA testing in 2003. What he will be trying to do, what he will be looking for, are segments or proteins in the Starchild that are substantially different from humans, or chimps, or even Neanderthals. To find a few things substantially different would take us a giant step in the right direction. We would KNOW, with a high degree of confidence, that if we fund the entire 454 genome sequencing (which costs $150,000 to $200,000), the result would show that the Starchild is definitely, beyond any shadow of doubt, substantially different from a typical human. So, my friends, this is an intermediate step I was not aware that we could take prior to having to put an enormous amount of money on the table before rolling the dice. Since the testing in 2003, one principle methodology improvement is the possibility of doing whole genome amplification (WGA), which means substantially increasing the amount of extracted DNA while faithfully reproducing any sequences present in the sample. This will enable old-fashioned molecular cloning that will allow him to differentiate DNA contamination from the ancient DNA he is seeking. Both are incredible improvements! While the 454 methodology enables instant differentiation at the molecular level during one run of the instrument, the cost of such an effort is justified only when the eventual outcome is the entire genome, as I’ve explained on numerous occasions. While the old-fashioned approach can actually produce an entire genome recovery, it can’t do so in a reasonable timeframe (it requires years versus months). However, it can produce a partial result that is very reliable for much less cost (a few thousand dollars), and that result can be know in as little as ONE MONTH from right now!!! Thus, by early March we can anticipate some kind of defining result from him, an initial “Okay, this is definitely worth proceeding to the higher level of 454 testing because you can’t fail with it,” or “Proceeding to 454 testing will carry an unavoidable risk of failure.” For example, he might not be able to find or isolate the Starchild’s nuclear DNA. Remember, the geneticists in 2003 found only its mitochondrial DNA, not its nuclear DNA. It’s the nuclear DNA we’re after this time because that will tell us what we need to know to determine whether the Starchild warrants the full 454 genomic analysis. Naturally, this is not a freebie. On my own authority I assured the geneticist that my mailing list (this means all of you) would be good for enough donations to cover the few thousand dollars (not a definite total yet because he does not yet know how far he will be able to go with analyzing the sample). I don’t have that much money to spare, which you all know by now, so I definitely need help. Please remember that I have not made a specific request for such donations since the last scientific tests were performed on the Starchild in 2004, but I’m asking for them now. If you can donate to this super-worthy cause, please do so on any page of the Starchild website, www.starchildproject…. I’ll count on you to cover that initial amount, and if I need more, I’ll let you know. Also, I should mention that he told me if he has good luck and finds the “different” things he will be looking for, and he feels it will be worth his effort to try to find many more, at that point we can decide whether to proceed with letting him build our case like a brick wall, or stop there and move directly to having the entire genome recovered by 454 technology. If we let him proceed, we will have to sign a formal contract with his facility and the bill for what he will then do could run as high as $50,000. However, I intend to have him and his facility involved in whichever way we go, low cost or high cost, so I guess this issue is moot. We are “gonna dance with the one that brung us,” and he has the ability and the desire to bring us if he can. I believe we are in 100% reliable hands with this gentleman. By the way, you’ll love this: If we choose to pay up to $50,000 first to be SURE we can nail the 454 result when we go for it, that degree of certainty should be enough to attract one of the academic grant institutions to foot the whole $200,000 bill!!! When he told me that was a possibility I nearly fell over . . . arranging for the “other side” to pay our large testing bill!!!! The irony just drips, doesn’t it? I apologize for the length of this message, but it has to be long because it carries such important Starchild news. In terms of miracles, this is about one step behind my beloved New Orleans Saints winning the Super Bowl last evening! Who dat say they gonna beat dat Starchild? WHO DAT???? 😉 Lloyd Pye
Starchild eBook: www.starchildproject… Starchild paperback book: Everything You Know Is Wrong: Mismatch (hi-tech spy thriller): A Darker Shade of Red (football novel): YouTube address:…
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