From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-08-08 23:56:19
#ygrps-yiv-2139033065 .ygrps-yiv-2139033065hmmessage P { PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;MARGIN:0px;PADDING-LEFT:0px;PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #ygrps-yiv-2139033065 .ygrps-yiv-2139033065hmmessage { FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;FONT-SIZE:10pt;} This has taken a while to be circulated! From: Audrey counsell [mailto:audrey_celia32@hotma…] Sent: 08 August 2010 23:09Subject: FW: Another mystery spiral Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 20:26:12 +0000From: colinwoolford@btinte…: Another mystery spiralTo:….: audrey_celia32@hotma…; tmilesj@blueyonder.c… #ygrps-yiv-2139033065 .ygrps-yiv-2139033065ExternalClass DIV { } Another spiral seen in the sky,this time in oz!…