Abraham Hafeez Rodriguez advised me of responses to a post he made on Above Top Secret – probably the most popular "conspiracy" site on the Web.
He tried to draw peoples attention to the earlier instances of censorship of the most important 9/11 research in the world – that of Dr Judy Wood. Very few sites are linking to or writing (correctly) about the evidence Dr Judy Wood has compiled on her site (www.drjudywood.com/)
Here are some links to articles documenting this censorship:
9/11 Research of Dr Judy Wood – An Open Letter to "Coast to Coast"
Free Energy, 9-11 and Weather Control – Ongoing Cover Up, Muddle Up and Censorship of Evidence
The ATS Thread is fairly typical of the way forums seem to be managed – anonymous posters seem to have no conscience about lying, making things up and discouraging readers, in almost any way possible, from looking at the evidence.
Here is the original thread:
Here are Web Archives (open with Internet Explorer)
Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr_ Judy Wood, page 1.mht (1.6 MB) (Modified: Sep 17 2010 09:32:12 PM)
Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr_ Judy Wood, page 2.mht (777 KB) (Modified: Sep 17 2010 09:29:46 PM)
Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr_ Judy Wood, page 3.mht (1.1 MB) (Modified: Sep 17 2010 09:30:26 PM)
Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr_ Judy Wood, page 4.mht (921 KB) (Modified: Sep 17 2010 09:30:58 PM)
Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr_ Judy Wood, page 5.mht (530 KB) (Modified: Sep 17 2010 09:31:17 PM)