From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-09-27 08:27:38
Steve Bassett’s update has a useful set of links to those articles in the media – looks like “the nod” has been made for this part of the Psy-Op – i.e. it is my contention that we should be considering this:… From: Paradigm Research Group [mailto:PRG@paradigmresearch…] Sent: 27 September 2010 01:09To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: PRG Update – September 26, 2010 Paradigm Research Group PRG Update – September 26, 2010 PRG Media Archivewww.paradigmresearch… [Please note: an important new module will be added to the PRG Media Archive next week. Stay tuned.] It took about 150 hours, but the PRG Media Archive is once again current and sitting at 663 mainstream media, English language articles for 2010. Due to the huge growth of coverage of the UFO/ET issue, this archive is now representational of the ongoing coverage. The total number of articles for 2010 is likely double those listed. This is because many stories are now being written up in 20, 30, 40 venues with similar or identical content. Archiving all such articles would be counterproductive diluting the ability to survey the media content. The total number of articles written up in mainstream media since 1947 is probably in the 25,000 range. The number of articles not in English since 1947 is unknown, but certainly many thousands. PRG created the PRG Media Archive to make mainstream reporters and editors aware the UFO/ET issue is in fact being covered extensively by standard media worldwide. More importantly it is to show the vast majority of this coverage – 95% plus in the modern era – is straight with little or no ridicule. The intent is to lower the fear barrier to proper engagement of the issue as the world slowly comes out from under the weakening truth embargo. For some time we have been just one media feeding frenzy away from Disclosure. Which brings us to…………………… UFOs and Nukes Press Conference
National Press Club – September 27 [Please note: this PC is not open to the general public, only to credentialed media and political staffers.] The third major witness press conference addressing UFO/ET related issues will be held at the National Press Club on Monday, September 27. The first was in May of 2001 (Disclosure Project) and the second in November of 2007 (Kean/Fox). PRG believes this press conference may prove the most important ever and has the potential to end the truth embargo by triggering a major shift in media coverage. Why? It is the direct connection to nuclear facilities and national security. Such a connection gives an already spring loaded media a clear hook upon which to hang their hat and purse and get to work. The advanced coverage of this press event has been considerable and would portend significant print and television media attendance. Examples of the advance coverage are shown below: Daily Mail (UK)… News:…… (India): Journal: Now (Australia): (Australia): News:… Kerala (India): Citizen:… You can’t attend, but here is how you can help. This event is going to generate mainstream press articles and television interviews. When you encounter these, forward them via email to your friends, colleagues, local media and political representatives. Place article and video links on your Facebook and MySpace pages and tag them to your friends. If you have a blog, write about the event and embed videos. Write a letter to you local paper early to point out what has transpired and why you want the paper to follow up. Media feeding frenzies are exactly like nuclear reactions (fittingly). If the amount of overall traffic on and off web reaches a critical mass, it explodes. Nothing can withstand such a frenzy. Don’t think so? Ask Bill Clinton. Upcoming Conferences
www.paradigmresearch… PRG 2010 Fundraiser
www.paradigmresearch… [This is the second posting for the once-a-year fund raiser for PRG’s advocacy work to end the UFO/ET Truth Embargo. Since typically only about one-third of even a directed group emailing gets opened, it will be posted one more time. Please pardon the repetition.] The United States economy is in serious trouble largely due to decades of bad policies. That means most of you aren’t in such good shape either. And you are also well aware that bad governmental policy is not confined to just the economic sector. The levels of distrust, paranoia and lack of confidence in government and media institutions are at unprecedented low levels. PRG believes Disclosure of the ET presence leading to the emergence into the public domain of ET derived technology is the key to turning things around. It could lead to a technological/economic renaissance and an age of reform and restructuring. The question is constantly asked, “When will Disclosure happen?” The best answer is, “Disclosure is inevitable and soon. But will it be soon enough?” PRG is presently $40,000 in debt primarily due to X-Conference 2010. An effort is ongoing to find a major funder – PRG’s S. R. Hadden – to make new projects like Contact 2011 and the Citizen Hearing possible and allow for the expansion of ongoing projects such as the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative and the Fax on Washington. Right now this effort is focused overseas as almost all funding sources in the U. S. remain frozen behind the truth embargo. Eventually major funding will turn up, but until then, your contributions are critical to keep things moving forward. Information about contributing to PRG is at the above webpage. Much Thanks,Stephen BassettExecutive Director ________________________________________ Paradigm Research Group 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 PRG@paradigmresearch… 202-215-8344 www.paradigmresearch… . .. . .. . .. . If you no longer wish to receive these emails, or you wish to update your profile, please click here.